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Why Facebook and Twitter will drive the future

By Sean Parker bad-boy genius behind Napster and Facebook

Think about one guy who has changed music and the internet but he is still only 30. He is worth about $1 billion. That’s Sean Parker the real person behind Napster, Facebook and other game changing technologies. He is also the fictionalized character in the new movie about Facebook. Justin Timberlake plays him in The Social Network.

Over the weekend I happened to find another movie with a Sean Parker character, Hackers. It contains the scene when Sean’s father (mother in the movie) took his keyboard in the middle of a hacking session. The FBI trace his computer when he can’t hang up and they confiscated his computer the next day.

The presentation from last year is a little dry but he is the boy-genius of this era, replacing Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. He makes his points well. For more Sean Parker gossip, click on Vanity Fair who interviewed him about The Social Network.


  1. joseph austin

    I think new sites like and are the future. FaceBook will always be around, but new sites have the technology and portals that FaceBook doesn’t offer, MHO

  2. Comment by post author

    Stephen Pate

    sure 🙂

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