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New UPEI Dean of Arts old President rumors

Dr. Joe Valedium, next in line for Dean?

Professor Richard Kurial is leaving and Dr. Joe Velaidum, Chair Religious Studies is the name candidate

Dr. Joe Joe Velaidum, next in line for Dean?

The University of Prince Edward Island is all abuzz these days with rumors.

The top secret committee – so secret even it’s members don’t know each other – to select Wade MacLauchlan’s replacement as President is said to have picked Wade MacLauchlan. UPEI seems stuck in a rut.

No less spectacular are the rumours UPEI will appoint the first non-white Dean of Arts at UPEI. Kurial’s term is up and the front runner is Dr.  Joe Velaidum, known to his friends as Vlad.

Warning tip_edited-1

Joe Velaidum is on a two year sabbatical with a business venture in software development. “This is really hard in the private sector,” he told this reporter. “They expect results.”

“Let me assure you if I get the Dean’s job, I’m going to clean up the mess in the UPEI Arts department,” he added.

Perhaps this is a bid to balance off the dismal human rights record at UPEI.

Or it could all be just rumors.

Update – excoriating us for the story (picture was too small, yada yada) Velaidum missed our thrice dyslexic spelling of his name, now corrected. Sorry.


  1. Garth Staples

    He can start by overhauling the teacher training programme and bring to a halt the cooperative ventures which adds degrees to Holland College programmes.

  2. disgusted

    Well, a poor update ensures from this original story. No clean-ups at UPEI. Actually, it has gotten far worse. And, as for Human Rights Commission being biased and in bed with UPEI, well, they are snuggled tight, at present time. Not surprising, as corruption always leads to violations in human rights. Education has further declined at this failing university. A new president, finally, but a huge disappointment. He is incompetent and pretty much non-existent; so, those who corrupted the institution continue to do so. Basically, if one is looking for an education, stay away from PEI.

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