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Welfare income for disabled on PEI falls

After tax LICO for person with disability on PEI

Disabled on PEI living on welfare at 57% of the poverty line


After tax LICO for person with disability on PEI

The National Council of Welfare has published statistics that show people with disabilities on PEI are living 43% below the LICO poverty line (or low-income cut-off).

People with disabilities were receiving almost 90% of the assistance they needed in 1992. Reforms to the welfare system on PEI hit the disabled hard and their situation deteriorated significantly since then.

Since 2003 the disabled have been living at 57% of the after-tax LICO.

The majority of Islanders on welfare are in that situation because they can’t find employment due to their disabilities.  

The provinces with the highest rate of support for the those living with disabilities are Newfoundland and Labrador 72%, Ontario 69% and Saskatchewan 67% (2008 statistics). Alberta has the lowest rate of welfare support. A single person with a disability in Alberta is receiving only 49% of the low income cut-off.

The statistics are available online for all provinces at the National Council of Welfare site.

“The National Council of Welfare was established as an advisory group to the Minister of National Health and Welfare by the Government Organization Act of 1969. The Council now reports to the Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC).The mandate of the Council is to advise the Minister regarding any matter relating to social development that the Minister may refer to the Council for its consideration or that the Council considers appropriate.” NCW

1 Comment

  1. stephen stretch

    the government is slowly killing disabled people by starving them to death. i am disabled and on welfare and i will die soon thanks to the P.E.I. government

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