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Environment, Federal Government, Government of PEI, Natural science, NJN, PEI, Prince Edward Island

Where is the Green Party on dead rivers

Richard Brown with environmental employees (PEI Government photo)

Massive anoxia of PEI’s waterways draws nary a comment from Green Party

Richard Brown with environmental employees (PEI Government photo)

Richard Brown with environmental employees (PEI Government photo)

PEI rivers and bays are suffering from an increase in anoxia this year. Green slime has taken over the rivers and killed thousands of fish.

It happens every year but this year is worse. Suspected causes are run off from fertilizers and chemicals for the land and sewage from waste systems.

Provincial environment minister Richard Brown has issued a press release. Federal Minister of Fisheries Gail Shea wants to partner with the Province to study the problem.

There hasn’t been a peep, not a press release or a Tweet from the Green Party, who are supposed to be dedicated to environmental issues. We must assume they have moved on to bigger and more vital topics like the gun range near Sharon Labchuck’s home.

“Anoxic conditions have been reported in a number of areas already this summer including portions of Brackley Bay, Covehead Bay, Barbara Weit River, Indian River,  Bentic Cove, Southwest River, Hunter-Clyde River, Wheatley River, Chapel Creek, Hills (Mill) River, Cardigan River, Trout/Stanley River (including Founds River and Granville Creek), Hope River, Anderson’s Creek and Montrose River.” (Charlottetown Guardian)

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