Marketing and advertising are about consistency not a shot in the dark

Story about PEI's success with Regis and Kelly has NB Tourism ad with two cute kids dressed in Acadian colours.
It’s ironic that a story repeating the canard about our top Google ratings should contain an advertisement for NB Tourism.
Did you notice Magic Mountain in Moncton, NB was buying television advertising during almost every commercial break on Regis and Kelly Monday and Tuesday?
We’ve seen that kind of lazy response from Tourism PEI before. When the ECMA’s were on PEI, the television sponsorship was driving viewers to Nova Scotia.
Successful advertising and marketing means a campaign that builds on events like the Regis and Kelly show. Is PEI expecting to win new tourism customers from one event?
New Brunswick is beating us simply by purchasing Google Adwords when we are the meta tag on a story. The strategy is well thought out and means anytime someone thinks about PEI as a tourist destination, New Brunswick is going to be pitching their product as well.
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