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Lennie Gallant to perform at Rendezvous Rustico

Lennie Gallant at Rendezous Rustico 2004

PEI’s pre-eminent singer songwriter will repeat his annual concert during 3 day Acadian festival in Rustico July 23-25, 2010


Lennie Gallant at Rendezous Rustico 2004

Lennie Gallant will perform again at Rendezvous Rustico this summer on PEI. It’s one of the annual appearances of PEI’s top singer songwriter.

The festival opens Friday evening with a BBQ and children’s activities followed by an Acadian concert at 8 pm featuring talented performers from across PEI. 

Saturday, July 24, at 8 pm local artists will be performing in the Song Writers Circle at Harmony House Theatre in Hunter River. This event, hosted by John Connolly, will feature Mario Robichaud, Jeannita Bernard, and Nick and Chris Gauthier. Following the concert there will be a homecoming dance at the Cymbria Lion’s club with music by Stagefrite.

The Sunday evening concert will be at 8 pm in St. Augustin’s Church. Tourists and Islanders have been marking it on their summer calendars for years. The concert is just one of many events over the weekend that highlight Acadian culture in the Rustico area. Rustico is Lennie Gallant’s home so his friends and family love to hear him perform on the home turf.

Tickets sold out last year. You can purchase them by calling 902-963-3252 at $20 adult / $15 students (under 16). Visa/Master card accepted.

Video follows the story break of Lennie Gallant singing Before We Sell This Car from last years Rendezvous Rustico.

Before We Sell This Car, Lennie Gallant Rendezvous Rustico 2009 at Singer Songwriter Circle.

Related story – Lennie Gallant relaxed and happy hosting Hunter River Songwriter’s Circle


  1. Correction: Lennie Gallant will perform Sunday July 25 and not July 26th as stated the article.
    Thanks for the promotion

  2. Comment by post author

    Stephen Pate

    Thanks for the correction.

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