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Clary Croft performs at Orwell Corner ceilidh Wednesday

Clary Croft tenor and folkorist at Orwell

Nova Scotian tenor and folklorist to headline Orwell show


Clary Croft tenor and folkorist at Orwell

Clary Croft started his career singing on CBC’s Sing-Along-Jubilee. He spent 15 years assisting noted folklorist Helen Creighton in he work compiling Maritime folk music. On Wednesday7 July 21, 2010 he will headline the Orwell Corner ceilidh.

Started in the 1970s, the Orwell Corner ceilidh is PEI’s longest running country music show. It features song, story-telling and traditional dancing in a two hour show starting at 7:30 PM.

“Clary Croft lives in Halifax, Nova Scotia and is a performer, author, folklore researcher, recording artist and producer. The Encyclopaedia of Music in Canada has recognized Clary’s contribution to Maritime folklore studies and his ongoing research into the traditional music of the Maritime provinces.”    

“He is best known for his continuing work with the collection of his late mentor, Dr. Helen Creighton, the Nova Scotian born, internationally renowned Canadian folklore pioneer. In addition to working with Dr. Creighton for the last fifteen years of her life, Clary was also responsible for cataloging her collection at the Nova Scotia Archives and Records Management. Because of this work, he has been called, “the acknowledged master of one of the richest repertoires in Canada.” Halifax Mail Star (from Clary Croft)

If I Were a Blackbird by Clary Croft

The Orwell Corner Ceilidh is located at historic Orwell Corner Village in the Orwell Hall, about 20 minutes from Charlottetown. You’ll be invited onstage yourself if you’d like to share your talent or if you’ve brought an instrument stay afterwards and join in an acoustic jam. It all takes place in the community hall of our historic 1890’s Village in eastern PEI. Admission is $10.00for adults, (12 and under $5.00, family rate $25.00).

How to get there


Upcoming performances at Orwell Corner

• July 28- Kelley Mooney
• Aug 4- Ed & Ruth Fitzgerald
• Aug 11- Scott Parsons
• Aug 18- Mark Haines
• Aug 25- Teresa Doyle

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