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Canada is an Android wasteland

Droid X the serious smart phone

If you want an Android smartphone in Canada be prepared to accept last year’s models from Telus Bell and Rogers


Droid X the serious smart phone

We may be a month late getting the latest iPhone 4G in Canada but that’s nothing compared to the year long wait for the hottest Android phones. Latest industry numbers say Android sales are outstripping the iPhone but Canadian phone vendors are fast asleep.

The hot smartphones using the Android operating system that compare with the Apple iPhone 3G3 and iPhone 4 are the EVO 4G, Droid X, Droid Incredible and Desire.  When Android 2.2 is updated on those phones they may even be better than the iPhone.  Recent tests of Android 2.2 look better than Apple.

Why Android?

In the US, customers want the Android phones to avoid the spotty service on AT&T and to get an open phone that will allow them to use Flash and other open standards. In Canada, three carriers have the iPhone so service isn’t as big an issue.

Many Canadians, this one included, are tired of Apple’s control over what we can see, hear and do. At least 10 times a day, my Apple iPad and iPhone would stop me from watching a video or downloading a free song. Apple wants you to pay for everything through the iTunes store.

That can add up. I’ve spent over $100 a month for music and videos during the past two months all because of  restrictions by Steve Jobs.  The cost of the phone and monthly service is the thin edge of the wedge with Apple.  

Canadian choice is no choice at all

Canadians will have to wait to find out about Android. Bell Mobility is running cool looking TV commercials for the HTC phone that turns out to be the also-ran HTC Legend. Bell is teasing they will soon launch the Samsung Galaxy S which is a new generation and “hot” phone.

Over at Telus, which has been renamed Belus for it’s tight connection with Bell, they offer the HTC Hero. The Hero was released last summer and is essentially dead in the ever changing smartphone market.  Telus are charging $499 for this out of date phone.  You can buy one on eBay unlocked for less than $200.

Rogers has the HTC Magic for $550 which is silly since this phone isn’t even in competition with the iPhone. It has a slow processor, small screen and last years 3.2 megapixel camera. It should be $99 in the remainder bin.

If you are using an Android phone in Canada, let is know what it is and your impressions.


  1. RB

    Just waiting for the Samsung S ‘Vibrant’ on Bell. As soon at it shows up this month (hopefully), I’m getting one. It’s really the first time any carrier is promoting a ‘first class’ Android device.

  2. kevin

    i dont know.. you could try just using the iphone as a phone…. and not use all of those things… watch videos on your desktop or laptop…. and you were stupid to by the ipad in the first place…. its a piece of shit. so is the man who runs apple. stop fucking buying his shit… he will change….


    simple as that.

  3. Toast

    1 word: Jailbreak.

  4. When I lost my Magic about a month ago I began looking for a new Android and you’re right their are no good android phones in Canada, the Samsung Galaxy S is coming but other than that their is nothing. If they continue to treat android phones like a second class citizen and don’t offer the OS upgrades then forget about Android.

  5. Ben

    Using the N1. Got it at the beginning of the summer and it is great. Its funny though, I’ve called the Telus guys a few times and they had never heard of it.One guy tried to tell me that it wouldn’t work on the Telus network (i was using it to talk to him…) Telus sucks

  6. Raphael

    Sooooooooo agree. Been waiting for months hoping EVO 4G or Droid X would make it’s way up here and its goddamnit not happening. Thought I’d bypass with a smooth eBay+jailbreak move but apparently the EVO, Droid are physically not compatible with HSPA+ from Belus. And to top it off the Nexus One (which I was going to go for after giving up waiting) is discontinued. The mobile market sucks in Canada, always has, prolly always will.

  7. John

    Flash isn’t an open standard.

    Not sure how Steve Jobs forced you to buy music and videos, perhaps I can use that excuse with my wife next time she sees our credit card bill. Steve Jobs made me do it!

  8. SimonC

    Absolutely agree. You can’t get any of the latest Android phones from any of the major carriers. We’re always behind in the adoption; I’m now considering the iphone4 to “hold me over” until the right Android phone comes.

    Does anyone know of any stores that import unlocked Android phones?

  9. usedraymond

    well i share your sympathies guys.. i feel envious every time i see new androids available in the US.. and apple iphone sucks bigtime compared with an android.. but at least im lucky enough to get a nexus one last april from the google website.. and i use it everytime with pride.. so cool having this phone though i know its not the latest anymore..

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