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Verizon releasing Droid X

Droid X the serious smart phone

Motorola smart phone has Android 2.1 shipping July 15th for Google Android fans – we have video!


Droid X the serious smart phone

If the iPhone makes you feel all warm and fuzzy, the Droid X is meant for serious business. It’s black and it’s sleek looking.

This thing will download full length movies and play them on a HD TV with HDMI out.

Speeds and feeds: fast 1 Ghz processor, 40 GB memory, 4.3 inch screen, 8 megapixel camera and HD video cam,  Swype onscreen keyboard, three mics ( forward, back and noise cancellation), $30 per month for unlimited data on Verizon, 2 GB hotspot service for another $20, subsidized price is $199 and anyone who is upgradeable this year can do it in July.

Upgrade to Android 2.2 will follow.

Google says it is shipping 3 million Android devices monthly. We heard they are up 60% over last month. They claim there are 65,000 Android apps.

If that’s true, the run rate for Android phones is higher than Apple’s iPhone series, which is what April statistics indicated would happen shortly.

Somewhat oddly, Verizon and Google picked the day before the iPhone 4 is released in to the hot little hands of all the Apple fanboys to release this phone. It might get lost in the rush to the Apple store. You might notice some pretty splashy ads on TV for this thing.

The Droid X is slightly bigger ( that’s how you get a bigger screen) and thicker than the iPhone 4. The camera is higher resolution and of course it plays those Flash videos.

Video follows the story break.

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