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Middle East, NJN, Noted on passing

Neda Agha-Soltan’s fiancée sadly remembers her tragic death

Neda Agha-Soltan

Neda Agha-Soltan was shot by the paramilitary Basij. (Nedā Āġā-Soltān; b 1982 – d June 20, 2009)

She was a young, beautiful woman with a positive outlook and hope for the future with her fiance. All that was taken away in an instant.

“Caspian Makan, the fiancée of the young Iranian woman shot last week, tells Al Jazeera of her last moments. “Neda”, which is the Farsi word for voice, was allegedly shot dead by a Basij soldier in Tehran last week.” Al Jazeera English

The video of Neda’s murder
The video of her sister’s eulogy

Story from

Neda Agha-Soltan (1982 – June 20, 2009) was an Iranian woman whose killing, allegedly by Basij militia during the 2009 Iranian election protests, was captured on video by bystanders.

The graphic videos were posted on the Internet, and her name quickly became a rallying cry for the opposition.

Neda means “voice” or “calling” in Persian, and she has been referred to More.. as the “voice of Iran” and “a symbol of pro-democracy protesters battering the Islamic regime” in the World.

An unnamed Twitter poster claimed that on June 20, 2009, Neda, along with her father, were participating in a protest march on Karegar Avenue in the city of Tehran[4] when she is said to have been shot by members of the Iranian Basij volunteer militia. Undated amateur videos of Neda’s apparent death were uploaded to Facebook and YouTube, and spread across the internet virally. The videos were accompanied by a message from an anonymous individual who claimed to have been present when the video was recorded:

At 19:05 June 20th Place: Karegar Ave., at the corner crossing Khosravi St. and Salehi st. A young woman who was standing aside with her father watching the protests was shot by a basij member hiding on the rooftop of a civilian house. He had clear shot at the girl and could not miss her. However, he aimed straight her heart. I am a doctor, so I rushed to try to save her. But the impact of the gunshot was so fierce that the bullet had blasted inside the victim’s chest, and she died in less than 2 minutes. The protests were going on about 1 kilometers away in the main street and some of the protesting crowd were running from tear gass used among them, towards Salehi St. The film is shot by my friend who was standing beside me. Please let the world know.”

Discussions about Neda on Twitter, using a hashtag of #neda became one of the trending topics by the end of the day on June 20, 2009. The authenticity of the videos, the location of the incident, and the identity of the alleged killer have not yet been independently confirmed by the mainstream media. Neda’s alleged death was not reported by the state-controlled Iranian media, but was reported by international media. CNN has shown the video multiple times, both with and without censoring.

There are three videos depicting Neda’s death; one shows Neda collapsing to the ground, apparently still conscious. The second shows Neda only after she appears to lose consciousness and begins to bleed heavily.

The first video appears to have been recorded using a mobile phone. The cameraman approaches a group of people huddled together in front of a parked car at the side of the street. As he moves closer, Neda can be seen collapsing to the pavement, a large bloodstain at her feet. Two men, one presumed to be her father, are seen trying to revive her; as seconds pass her eyes roll to one side and she appears to lose consciousness. Blood begins to pour from her nose and mouth, and screams are heard.

At this point in time, the second video begins. The cameraman approaches Neda and the two men; the camera passes over them and centers on Neda’s face; her stare is blank and she is bleeding profusely from her nose and mouth. Loud screaming can be heard.

The man next to Neda can apparently be heard speaking in the first video, saying her name;

“Neda, don’t be afraid. Neda, don’t be afraid. [obscured by others yelling] Neda, stay with me. Neda stay with me!”

Story from Al Jazeera and


  1. Ken

    I am sure that Iranian Embassies and Ambassadors would love to have the chance to answer any questions you might have concerning Neda’s death and how her family has been treated according to the traditions of Islam but the Islamic republic. Their names and addresses are easily found on the internet, it doesn’t matter if they are Ambassadors to your country or not, I’m sure they will be happy that you dropped them a note, snail mail would be appreciated too!

  2. K Buxton

    I’m a canadian woman and I’m so thankful that I live in a beautiful country. I’m so sorry that this young woman lost her life. I am how ever so very proud of her. She was not willing to sit back and continue to live in the supressed country from which she came from. I have two daughters one is 23 and one is 12. I’ve always educated my girls on how lucky they are, some young people take so much for granted. Yes the reality of her getting killed is absolutly shocking, but people need to realize this is reality and everyday life for some. My heartfelt condolences for her family and finace. I hope that you can find some peace knowing that your daughter gave all of us a wake up call. I know she will leave a huge absence in your heart but she has and will always be in all of our hearts forever. I wish you love, peace and healing.
    Forever with us Neda will be.
    Kacey and her family in Canada

  3. Nileen Putatunda

    Neda is an angel of sacrifice. Her name’s meaning – “voice” – will be the piercing voice of the protests in Iran, and may the filthy Ahmadinejad’s victory be annulled. And a new, beautiful, bold man / woman guide Iran to her brilliant destiny.

    My pranam and love and prayers to Neda, the angel of sacrifice.

    from Kolkata, India, Nileen

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