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Neda Agha-Soltan’s sister speaks for her murdered sister

Neda Agha-Soltan's sister speaks

Nedā Āġā-Soltān (b 1982 – d June 20, 2009) victim of political repression and violence in Iran is remembered by her sister

This is her sister’s eulogy (translation follows the story break)

“I am here in order to tell you that she died in her father’s arms.

“I am here in order to tell you that my sister had big dreams.

“I am here in order to tell you that my sister was very modest [in her dreams].

“She longed – just like me – after one day feeling the wind in her hair, and just like me she loved poems by Farukh (?), a Persian poet, and she…

“… More.. longed for freedom and equality.

“She longed after one day being able to say, ‘I am Iranian’ with her head held up high.

“She longed after one day falling in love with a man with a [inaudible] haircut, giving birth to a daugter, singing lullabies at her cradle, or to plait her child’s long hair.

“My sister died because she was not allowed to live like a human being; my sister died because injustice would not end; my sister died because she loved life so much, and my sister died because she cared lovingly for her fellow humans’ well-being.

“All our brothers and sisters in Iran: You are not alone!”

The video of Neda’s murder


  1. kris desiato

    The world is watching and your family member will not have died in vain. God bless you.

  2. Joe Richard Naranjo

    My heart is torn after knowing of your sisters death. Without even knowing her I can tell you she was a beutiful human being, we all are precious.

    At first I wanted her murderer to burn in hell, but then I realized that my hatred was bringing me to the same level. I need to forgive. He will meet his maker one day and regret his sin.

    I will pray for your family and your country. I will never forget Neda. NEVER! She is with God and in peace. . . . . Now I will cry some more . . .

  3. There is a memorial for Neda ( -(3 posts down).

    She is alive – not only in my heart – you will see her again in the eternal cosmos.

    Wylde Otse (West Coast Canada)

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