At Queen and Spadina, police detain a man who'd yelled something at them as they'd gone by on bikes. (Michael Chrisman/Torontoist)
Torontoist coverage of Sunday with random arrests of non-violent protesters and bystanders
“Sunday—a day that started very quietly and that was mostly peaceful, but one that won’t soon be forgotten for what happened in the evening and night at Queen and Spadina—is collected here, with updates in reverse-chronological order.” Up to 600 people were arrested in Toronto on Sunday during a day of peaceful protests. See G20 Timeline: Sunday Torontoist
I think Canada’s police force should be completely dissolved. It’s citizenry is completely peaceful, with naught a bad one in the bunch, and certainly none deserving of being arrested by this wholly fascist organization.
Stephen Pate
Hmm…perhaps you might try living somewhere without police…it’s pretty nasty. I remember a police strike in Quebec. People went nuts. Someone on my block was raped around 5 pm in daylight. They ransacked St. Catherine’s Street.
Police brutality is not appropriate but we do need the police.
How can they call lighting cop cars on fire a peaceful protest? This website could hardly have any less credibility with anyone who watched the news and saw masked people smashing windows and buring cars.
That makes this article nothing but propaganda.
Garth Staples
The use of the terms Nazi and fascist are quite common by the ‘new age’ commentators and leftists.
Please get a dictionary, read a book.
Most would agree the Nazis and Fascists practised state control to the level of dictatorships.
State control is a form of socialism —THE DARLING OF THE LEFT!
Can you imagine how much help it would be to seniors, (who made and sacrificed for this country) if the billion plus dollars was spent on health care for the disabled or seniors care instead of a stupid G20 summit that accomplished exactly NOTHING.
Stephen Pate
I shudder to think how much is wasted by governments who pay lip service to people.