Censorship will not go away from puritanical leadership at Apple
Steve Jobs creepy corporate culture of censorship
Battles won long ago for freedom of expression are still challenged regularly at Apple. The New York Times reports Apple will allow James Joyce’s Ulysses to be sold at the Apple App Store.
Isn’t that wonderful. Apple is going to allow one of the classics of modern literature to be read by it’s tens of millions of enslaved customers. Will they also be allowed to read Lady Chatterley’s Lover, Tom Jones, or Grapes of Wrath?
The creepy, corporate culture of Apple Corp. is contrary to freedom of speech and our culture. They are not banning extreme forms of porn that would be offensive to almost everyone. Apple is censoring classic literature, political cartoons and political opinion.
This is the insidious use of technology to control our lives denounced in Jaron Lanier’s You Are Not a Gadget: A Manifesto. The people who control the current technology have an agenda about spreading their own idea of culture and society that goes beyond the gadgets.
After the makers of a Web comic version of the epic novel said last week that Apple had rejected several images that contained nudity, Apple reversed its decision on Monday morning and asked that the panels be re-submitted, said Chad Rutkowski, the business manager for Throwaway Horse, the publisher of “Ulysses Seen.”
“They basically apologized,” Mr. Rutkowski said. “They said they gave it a second look and realized that it wasn’t obscene or anything like that. They’re clearly drawing a distinction now and they understand what we’re doing.”
The initial installments of the heavily annotated version of the book are available in the App Store and on a Web site, ulyssesseen.com.
Mr. Rutkowski said he was rushing to re-submit the original panels to Apple. “The sense that he gave me was that they were going to try to get it approved and up there as quickly as we can,” he said.
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