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Stripping not acceptable employment on disability

Christine Gamble disabled but able to strip

Along with bragging on Facebook, working as a stripper can get you in trouble when you claim a disability


Christine Gamble disabled but able to strip

Pole dancing wasn’t beyond the ability of disabled waitress Christine Gamble of Quakertown, PA.

On workers compensation for a back disability that made it impossible to waitress, Gamble found no trouble pole dancing in a local strip bar. The charges are unproven but seem scandalous.

“The 43-year-old woman claimed she fell and hurt her back while working at a restaurant in 2007 and told a doctor it was difficult for her to stand or change positions.

But somehow she managed to do both while working as a stripper, even as she collected worker’s compensation payments, according to the state Attorney General’s office. 

She may call it a spread eagle, but the A.G. calls it:  insurance fraud.

Officials say Gamble, of Quakertown, Pa., received more than $22,000 in disability benefits, even though she kept on working at C.R. Fanny’s Gentlemen’s Club and Sports Bar.

Gamble was arraigned Thursday, April 29 on two counts of insurance fraud and one count of theft by deception. She was released on her own recognizance, according to The Express-Times.”  CBS News

What else can we say except she picked the wrong town to pull that stunt, if indeed she did what is alleged. Pennsylvania Dutch are not known for being fun-loving liberals.  Gamble engaged in risky business in a town of 8,900 people that built it’s reputation on a history of being somewhat religious.

1 Comment

  1. Darren

    How do I tell the bc government of Canada if my gf is doing the same thing

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