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More Grep attacks at Network Solutions

Just when you thought it was safe to be hosting…

Network-SolutionsAll week long, Network Solutions has been deluging me with social media. Cheap hosting fees are offered. Network Solutions is on Facebook with Smallvolution. They are on Tritter with almost hourly updates that seem to say “all is well with the world.”

Back in the world of hosting, their clients are slowly going insane. Another round of attacks last weekend had sites down for the 4th and 5th time. (Full disclosure: we are no longer hosting on Network Solutions)

New infections today at Network Solutions

“Yes, I am tired of reporting those as you are probably tired of hearing them as well. But today we got reports from multiple site owners of new infections at Network Solutions. Some of them were using WordPress, but some were not. So nobody can blame WordPress this time.” Sucuri Software.

Securi provide a detailed explanation of the new Grep attack and how to remove it. That’s cold comfort for the hundreds of website owners.

One web owner with a sense of humor wrote “Duck and cover. That’s about all I can think off at this point. Other then maybe consider a safer and possibly more lucrative venture such as raising earthworms or bees.”

Another wrote “I wouldn’t say their (Network Solutions) response has been acceptable let alone good. During the initial round of hacks, they emphatically blamed the issue on WordPress and now are using backups to “restore” clients sites that may or may not have been hacked, the backups which do not include all of the files which I now need to re-create for a client. To top it all off, I can’t even log onto their server at this time. Yes, no hosting company can be 100% secure but this has gotten past ridiculous.”

“I have been going insane since April 19” wrote another fearing divorce. “Welcome to the club. At this rate I’ll be lucky if my wife doesn’t divorce me over this fiasco.
I’m have afraid to even go to my own site anymore for fear something might jump out of the screen at me.”

The problem is both Network Solutions who are not prepared to deal with these widespread attacks and the attacks are getting more vicious. Network security is something no one can ignore.

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