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Disability in-Action Council insults disability community

Minister of Community Services, Seniors and Labour Janice Sherry, press release to follow

Liberal Government propaganda gets swift response from Guardian readers


Minister Janice Sherry "should be ashamed of herself"

The Charlottetown Guardian reprint of Liberal Government press release – P.E.I. Disability Action Council identifies 14 areas of priority was condemned by their readers.

Readers called Carroll’s statements and the press release an insult, hot air, shameful, BS, a waste of money, bordering on abuse, and cynical. A reader thought Minister Janice Sherry “should be ashamed of herself.”

“I feel the areas that the council have chosen to focus on over the next year, which are aimed at improving the disability supports and services around housing, employment, training and leadership, align well with the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities,” said Marcia Carroll, chair of the Disability Action Council and CEO of the PEI Council of the Disabled.

Ms Carroll is in her usual form with plenty of rhetoric pandering to the government.

What an insult to disabled from Charlottetown, pei writes:

As a member of the disability community, I believe this is a complete insult to the real needs of those living with severe disability. It amounts to a lot of blah blah and a few job opportunities for government workers and groups like the (so called) Council of the Disabled.

But for those of us living in deep poverty with little or no support, this kind of story just rubs salt in to the wounds of being cast aside with total disregard by our not so gentle island. This report has been two to three years in the making and for any discerning person you will realize that we have spend a lot of money on this and end up with HOT AIR! Shameful behavior by the self serving!

Marie from Ontario writes:

May God forgive the people in the position to make life easier for the disabled. The ones who waste every cent on idiot studies without a moments thought to the disabled. More B.S. on improving the quality of life while they study another five million out the window with NOT ONE CHANGE for a disabled person. More capable? people with government study money to blow. Who got a new swimming pool on PEI this year??? As I said, may God forgive them, as not many disabled people or their families will.

r jones from ch’town, pei writes:

Hard to believe that this is what they came up with for how many million. It brings cynicism to an all time LOW! Terribly unfair, and bordering on abuse of Islanders and their families. Janice Sherry should be ashamed of herself.

Island Guy from Charlottetown, PEI writes:

Where is the voice of Stephen Pate telling everyone we are assaulting the disabled?

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The Charlottetown Guardian has bylined the story “EDITORIAL STAFF The Guardian” which is not true. Their story is a word for word reprint of the government press release. Is that plagiarism?

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