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South Carolina saves disability supports

Protests by caregivers and people with disabilities moved legislators

House secures Federal matching dollars only Senate can block disability supports


Protests by caregivers and people with disabilities moved legislators

Supports for 26,000 people with disabilities were saved in the South Carolina Legislature by creative thinking. By moving a line-item, South Carolina qualified for $174 million in Federal Medicaid money.  That act may save the supports. The budget still needs to pass the Senate but the tide of public opinion has shifted to support those living with disabilities.

As we reported on March 4th, 2010 the die was cast South Carolina cutting services for 26,000 people with disabilities. Mass protests at the State Legislature in Columbia convinced the government to negotiate a better solution.

“House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dan Cooper told the House the extra money still has to be approved in Washington, but it’s been passed by the U.S. House and Senate in separate bills so it looks likely.”

“What this basically does is put most of the agencies that were getting large cuts under health care back to where they are at the current level,” Rep. Cooper told House members.”

“But Rep. Lanny Littlejohn, R-Pacolet, a member of the House budget writing committee, says, “I don’t see anyone taking this money and using it on something else. It’s match money so it’s kind of locked in. But I think they’ll be fully funded.”  (quotes from Channel 7 News)

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