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SEO link building scams waste of time

SEO programs try to build traffic by building links

seo-blocks-webWebsite revenue is supposed to be based on advertising clicks which is based on website traffic. Back in the old days – as in 3 years ago – you might be able to build revenue that way.

Scam artists sell kits to unsuspecting people showing them how to set up a website with scraped content based on the most popular search results. See Google sues work-at-home scams.

The technique is called Search Engine Optimization or SEO. Google spends a lot of effort to block companies who aggressively use SEO instead of having real content. The reason is obvious – we expect a Google search to deliver the best sites to look at not a bunch of ad-stuffed, copy cat sites.

The whole thing seems like a waste of time to me. Bing won’t look at websites that are less than 3 years old. Both Bing and Google drop sites that have little original content and are merely ads.

The scam artists promise you can make your site move up in the search lists by having lots of external links. For a fee, the will give you thousands of websites with similar topics to yours. Then the software automatically emails comments to those websites trying to build links back to your site.

We get hundreds of these phony comments a day. If a topic gets hot, we might get a thousand. There are filters to keep most of this junk out so it’s only a minor annoyance.

Some sites make you register to comment or use captcha to catch the spammers. We don’t like to restrict comments but may have to implement filters sooner than later.

Lately the spammers are getting more inventive. They actually seem to be making real comments on a story such as:

“How often do you write you It seems that you’ve put a great amount of effort into your article”

“I want to see a lot more of these on the Internet these days.r blogs? I enjoy them a lot 3 1 7”

“I can’t RSS your page. Send me an email”

The SEO programs must work to some extent because people use them all the time. The same SEO companies send me their software. It’s junk creating spam mail and a waste of time. Links between scam sites won’t boost Google search engine ratings and only a fool would let those links exist on their site.

Scraping engines take your SEO keywords and create posts on the phony website literally scraped from other legit sites.

High traffic blogs are all about great content. Start writing stories.


  1. seo in Chadiarh

    I read your blog. it is very beneficial fo the seo solution and exp.person. seo in Chandigarh Outsourcing SEO services always help you to lessen your workload and you can make business plans and focus on expanding your business.

  2. Comment by post author

    Stephen Pate

    Nervy eh? The story is about scammers and the comment tries to load a back link which I removed

  3. Comment by post author

    Stephen Pate

    Nervy eh? The story is about scammers and the comment tries to load a back link which I removed

  4. Anjali Sharma

    Any SEO expert will tell you that link building is still the SEO trump card for top rankings on search engines.
    We customize each link building campaign to your individual needs based on our analysis of your current inbound link portfolio and overall analysis of your website. We have an experience of over a decade now and have over more then 400 world wide clients.

  5. Scott C.

    Great comment, “High traffic blogs are all about great content.” This is the key, but like most good things in life, SEO takes effort. It takes time and passion to write good, relevant content, so there will always be those lazy people looking to get around the system.

  6. Seoraisers

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