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PEI Finally Announces Direct Deposit for Disability Supports

Sharon Cameron, Deputy Minister of Community Services Seniors

After pushing Community Services Seniors for two years, the change is announced


Sharon Cameron, Deputy Minister of Community Services Seniors

CBC is reporting the Department of Community Services Seniors and Labour will allow direct deposit for disability and social assistance payments. P.E.I. benefits to be offered by direct deposit. The choice of cheque or direct deposit will be with the recipient.

“The change will mean Islanders who request the new payment option can have their money put straight into their accounts instead of waiting for their cheques to arrive in the mail and then going to the bank to deposit them. The provincial government said it would give people the option to continue with cheques or switch to direct deposit.”

Two years ago we asked the Deputy Minister Sharon Cameron why the department insisted people in wheelchairs and the blind had to go the bank once a month to deposit their cheques. Some people with disabilities have to hire Pat and the Elephant or take a cab just to make the trip to the bank. It seemed ridiculous and considering the one’s getting support are living below the poverty line.

When CBC reported recently that a Summerside man was getting his Ontario Worker’s Compensation by cheque, we reminded Cameron of her promise to allow direct deposit on PEI for people with disabilities.

To: Sharon Cameron, Sent Wednesday February 24, 2010

Subject: Direct Deposit

Back when time began, I asked when you might do direct deposit of the DSP supports. Seems like cruel and unusual punishment to force people with disabilities to deposit money in a bank…don’t you think.

CBC did a story on one guy from Summerside who’s Ontario Workers Comp cheque came in the mail.

How about announcing the date for this and we’ll have a good news story from your department.

Cheers – Stephen Pate

While the department has agreed to the change,why is it taking them another year? It looks like they’ve been sitting on the issue for no good reason.  Why did they leak this out and not make a press release?

My guess is they’ve done nothing but were worried CBC or NJN Network would report the story. I’ll guess again that nothing has been done on what is a simple bit of computer programming.

The quote from Marcia Carrol of PEICOD is funny. Wake up Marcia. People with disabilities often find it hard to get out and around town. CBC must have pressed her to say something so out comes nothing.

“Marcia Carroll, the executive director of the Prince Edward Island Council of People with Disabilities, said the change will be a good one, if it’s done right. “On the surface it looks like a very good thing,” Carroll said. “What the government will have to be careful with is that the individuals that they’re going to provide direct payments to, understand what that means and are able to access the money.” CBC

“It might be good,” added Carroll off camera. “It might be bad. It might be sunny or it might rain. What day is this?”

1 Comment

  1. Michelle

    Talk about being Thick- THIS Marcia Carroll HAD to have known someone with drag to get hired ‘Marcia Carroll, the executive director of the Prince Edward Island Council of People with Disabilities, said the change will be a good one, if it’s done right. “On the surface it looks like a very good thing,” Carroll said. “What the government will have to be careful with is that the individuals that they’re going to provide direct payments to, understand what that means and are able to access the money.” CBC

    WTF? People with Disabilities KNOW HOW TO use an ATM. IT’S 2010 OF COURSE THEY KNOW WHAT DIRECT DEPOSIT IS – But YOU, I’m not so sure about.

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