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Free Gibson app for iPhone

Does Nickelback tune with an iPhone? Chad Kroeger with Gibson ap

Tuner, metronome and guitar lessons on iPhone


Does Nickelback tune with an iPhone? Chad Kroeger with Gibson app

Unlike millions of people who pay for iPhone apps, the only one’s I like are free. Added to the short list is the new Gibson Guitar iPhone app.

Now your iPhone can include a tuner, metronome, and rudimentary chord guide. Included for good measure are some decent video lessons and a link to the Gibson site which is pretty slow.

The weird thing is the graphic of a Gibson guitar headstock is not included.

The tuner works in a reasonably quiet setting, which is a limitation of iPhone audio. It would be handy for practicing acoustic guitar or tuning a banjo, mandolin or other instrument. No 1/4″ plug in so it is not going to work for your electric guitar.

The tunings include all notes, standard guitar, open D & G, drop D, low C etc. As a tuner goes, it’s accurate and the needle has damping so it doesn’t bounce. The light turns green when the string is very right on.

The metronome would be good for practicing scales and acoustic picking. Start strumming or using an electric guitar and ear plugs are a necessity.

The guitar chord guide is strictly beginner.

The lessons, from, obviously are trying to sell you a course. I watched one on Minor 7ths and suspended chords which was worth watching although I didn’t have the patience to finish.  Watching downloading videos on an iPhone is an exercise in watching paint dry. My phone is Rogers and the 3G service in Charlottetown is almost not there. The video kept stalling and I’d have to touch the start button.

The app is found on the Apple iTunes Store.


Does Nickelback tune with an iPhone? Chad Kroeger with Gibson ap

1 Comment

  1. Dan

    Hi Stephen you should check the guitar sidekick out think you’d like it.

    Happy Holidays


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