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Ecole Saint Augustin gets go ahead for Rustico


Simone Pineau, parents representative on school planning committee

French school board gets approval to build new school in Rustico


Simone Pineau, parents representative on school planning committee

After years of controversy, the new French language school in Rustico got the go-ahead from cabinet.

The school will be built on Church Road in the heart of Rustico, close to the Saint Augustin Church and historic Farmer’s Bank. The French schools are a right won by the French community and French School Board in a Supreme Court of Canada decision meant to preserve minority language rights to Canadians of both French and English.

The issue of building a school and its location have been contentious. With the close of 8 English language schools across Eastern PEI, many wondered why the government was building any French schools at all.

There have been many discussions and arguments on the finer points of both sides.

Be Humble carried an interesting discussion last week. As one writer said “The Supreme Court noted in its decision on the matter that the majority cannot be expected to support or even understand the need. They seem to have been very wise because if a sage old humanist such as yourself refuses to accept a rights-based argument for the protection of language and cultural rights, what hope is there of convincing others less enlightened? Throughout history, majorities have persecuted minorities.”

Now that the decision is made, the school should be built. The government’s statement that the school will be open in January 2011 is excellent new for the schools supporters. Others who were against the school or sitting on the fence will no doubt find over time that the Ecole Saint Augustin will become an important economic, cultural and linguistic centre on the north shore of PEI.

Video copyright CBC

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