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US Female Bobsledder calls Vancouver track “stupid fast”

The consensus is building for culpability in the death of Georgian luger

CBS is reporting a US athlete calls the course “stupid fast.”  Bobsledder Shauna Rohbock said “It’s just so fast. I think they went a little overboard on this track.”  “It’s so fast, Rohbock said, that women’s sleds will “be breaking the men’s track record by race time. It’s ridiculous.”  Rohbock said speeds in the final turns of the 16-curve track were pushing the boundaries of what she thought she could handle.  “I wish everybody knew what we saw at the bottom,” Rohbock said. “Your brain almost can’t catch up with what your hands need to do. I think at some point it’s going to exceed that and that’s when problems will happen.”  For the rest of the story check out CBS

Related story – Anger is mounting against IOC in death of luger

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