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IOC Tries To Restrict Freedom of the Press

NJN Network sent a legal take down notice of copyright infringement


IOC logo as sent to us, copyright is not claimed on this image

Vancouver, 15 February 2010

Notification of video infringement on the internet – XXI Olympic Winter Games in 2010 in Vancouver, 12 – 28 February 2010

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to you on behalf of the International Olympic Committee.

Through its monitoring system, the IOC has become aware that, on your website, there is video from the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games, found

Date seen 14 February 2010

Please note that the IOC owns and controls all rights in relation to moving images of the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games. Olympic material may not be transmitted or communicated via the internet or any other interactive media or electronic medium without the express prior written approval of the IOC, which has not been granted to you in the present case. Moreover, your unauthorised display of video over the internet causes prejudice to the exclusive rights-holders who have received authorisation from the IOC to do so. The availability of moving images related to the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games on your website is therefore a clear violation of the IOC’s rights.

Therefore, in view of the above, the IOC requests that you immediately and permanently remove all moving images of the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games from your website.

The IOC hereby states, under penalty of perjury, that the information in this notice is accurate.

The IOC reserves all rights and remedies it deems necessary in relation to this matter, including seeking injunctive relief, costs and damages, including punitive damages, where appropriate.

Please confirm by today, 15 February 2010, end of business day, to the following e-mail address that you have complied with the above.

Yours sincerely,

Howard Stupp, Director of Legal Affairs
Alexandre Kamerzin, Lawyer – Avocat
IOC Legal Affairs Department
Château de Vidy
1007 Lausanne – Switzerland
+ 41 (0)21 621 61 11

Information importante: ce courriel est confidentiel et contient des informations couvertes par le secret professionnel. Si vous avez reçu ce courriel par erreur, merci de le détruire et de nous en informer immédiatement par téléphone au (+41 21) 621 61 11. Si vous n’êtes pas le destinataire de ce courriel, vous n’êtes pas autorisé à en révéler le contenu ou à en faire usage.

Important notice: this e-mail is confidential and contains privileged information. If you received this e-mail in error, please destroy it and call us immediately at (+41 21) 621 61 11. If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, disclosure or use of its contents is prohibited.


  1. Chris mac

    Well it sure does give that disclaimer on the TV who are showing the Olympics.

  2. Tim MacD

    Serves you right. I hope they sue you for everything you’ve got.

  3. Stephen Pate

    They’re not going to sue me for anything or did you fail to read the story. I embedded the story from ABC News. Let them sue ABC.

  4. Steven Purete

    So linking to ABC makes you a “reporter”?
    That’s like posting a link to the Mona Lisa and calling yourself a painter!

  5. Stephen Pate

    What do you call a reporter? Most of what journalists do is write up stories they get from the Internet, from press releases and the odd time they actually go out and dig up a story. The job is mainly research and writing. Posting a link to the Mona Lisa and writing a critical comment, or news story would make you a reporter. Then you need a news publisher to get your story to an audience.

    Nice play on words.

  6. Jacob

    I love it. People come here to get their news then they argue that it’s not news. Everybody trying to gang up on the underdog independent reporter only makes this site more credible as a news source.

  7. Steven Purete

    The majority of people come here for OPINION.
    My comment is related to the winging and complaining Stephen did while being excluded from the vaunted Press Gallery.
    But Jacob, please don’t accuse me of coming here for the news.

  8. Steven Purete

    And Stephen, would you be willing to fight for one of your stories’ right to be published, but then say “Let them sue ABC” on this?
    Journalistic standard much?

  9. Andre Leon Talley

    Not gonna answer that? Your slip is showing.

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