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Dr. Bob Romcke dies age 80

Dr. Bob Romcke

Distinguished public health dentist and polio survivor passes away

Dr. Bob Romcke
By Stephen Pate, President of the PEI Polio Survivors

Dr. Bob Romcke passed away at the QEH on Thursday January 28th, 2010 at age 80. He was known as a gentleman and a man of courage and perseverance.

Dr. Bob was a dentist. While studying dentistry at McGill University in Montreal as a young man he contracted polio. The deadly illness, that was a scourge back then, affected his upper body.

He had to take a leave from his studies and spent sometime in an iron lung.

Dr. Bob endured his recovery and convalescence. He was able to leave the iron lung behind, return to McGill University and graduate as a dentist.

In 1965, Dr. Bob started what would become universal dental care for Island children. It was his vision and determination that drove the child dental program for decades.

Dr. Bob was a visionary and an advocate. He saw the importance of a good dental health at the start of one’s life. His dedication to the dental health of children was known by all in government. Dr. Bob is one of the reasons this child dental program started and retained the support of successive administrations.

As he aged, Dr. Bob was subject to declining health and strength which is symptomatic of post polio syndrome or late effects of polio.

When I met him in 2000 he was well passed retirement age yet he still practiced dentistry for children every day that he could. Most men would have retired due to age. Others would have retired due to disability. Dr. Bob just kept on working which was inspiration to many including myself.

Due to the weakness in his chest and back, he would tire easily. To overcome it, Dr. Bob took naps on a sofa in his office. One can hardly imagine the pain he suffered in silence while continuing his dedication to public service.

He just never quit working for others in his kind and gentle way.

Dr. Bob was a beloved member of the PEI Polio Survivors. As President I want to express my sincere thanks to him for his guidance and firm support, along with deep condolences to his wife, Margaret, and family on the passing of a great man.

The government release on his passing said,

A native of Summerside and a graduate of Montreal’s McGill University, Dr. Romcke joined the provincial dental unit in 1953. In 1971, Dr. Romcke formed the groundwork for the Children’s Dental Care Program, a program that continues to benefit Island children today. He was also recognized nationally for his contribution to public health dentistry with several awards. In 1996, he received the Canadian Dental Association Award of Merit for his outstanding contribution to dental health and, in 2003, he received an award from the Canadian Association of Public Health Dentistry for his distinguished service in public health dentistry.

“On behalf of the Department of Health and Wellness and the Government of Prince Edward Island, I extend my deepest sympathies to Dr. Romcke’s wife, Margaret Romcke, and his entire family,” said Minister Bertram. “He will be missed and remembered by his professional colleagues, his community, and those he helped and served over the years.“ Province of PEI

I apologize if my dates don’t coincide with the press release from the Minister. I am going by the personal recollection Dr. Bob gave me.

1 Comment

  1. Dr. Betsy Jardine

    I really wish that CBC 5th Estate would do a documentary on Dr. Bob Romkey. He might continue to inspire others with his combination of bravery and kindness. It might also help many people to understand the good that vaccines have done in the world to rid of devastating illness that attack children.

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