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Canada, Disability Supports, Health care, Human Rights, NJN, PEI, Politics, Poverty, Prince Edward Island

Canada has multi-tiered health care

Canada has lower infant mortality, longer life expectancy at half the cost

In a life or death situation, every one should look out for their own and their families health because no one else cares

Newfoundland Premier Danny Williams’ heart operation in the US has opened the flood gates of criticism on both sides of the border. His trip is really nothing new and says nothing about Canada’s socialized health care.

Canada might have universal health but that only helps. It doesn’t mean each citizen gets the same treatment. Even in Communist Russia, the political elite got better health care that the proletariat.

Canadians are getting multi-tiered health care and based on wealth and connections. Most people have to wait their turn except the rich and connected.

Rich and powerful

Canada is an oligarchy run by the rich and powerful who may check into their local hospital but not when their life depends on it. Some notables who tried to up their chances of survival by traveling Stateside were Belinda Stronach (breast cancer), Jean Chretien (Mayo Clinic), Robert Bourassa (cancer).


Canada has lower infant mortality, longer life expectancy at half the cost

Does that make them evil? Not likely, they just wanted the best treatment money can buy. They were looking for the edge. It has to be their personal choice.

Does it meant the Canadian system doesn’t work well? Not a chance. We live longer and at a lower cost than our American cousins.

Friends in the right places

Canada’s system of public health care is supposed to be egalitarian. But on Prince Edward Island it’s who you know that puts you at the front of the line.

Consider two people both suffering from cancer. One waits 12 to 18 months for treatment. The other has a relative working in the health care system or is connected to the politicians and gets almost immediate treatment. Happens all the time on PEI and everyone is used to it.

Same principal applies to placements in senior’s housing, nursing homes and any government controlled facility.

Sorry no room for the poor or disabled

Being poor in Canada means you get minimal health care. Of course in the US it means you might get even less.

I meet people living with disabilities like MS or MD who tell me they regularly make decisions about medication and heat, food or shelter.

PEI’s social safety net will provide disability supports (if you are less than 65) or social assistance including medications but not both. Politicians and civil servants are oblivious to this since they are on Cadillac-style private health plans.

I met a man last week with disabling back injury who can’t get help with pain killers but does get disability supports. He has a subsidized apartment with no bed. He’s caught in the cross-program Catch-22.

The health care system in Canada is not perfect. Sometimes you have to take responsibility and fight your way to treatment.

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