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Bad weather may delay shuttle landing

STS-130 Pilot Terry Virts looks through an overhead window on the aft flight deck of space shuttle Endeavour. Photo Credit: NASA

Rain and winds at Edwards Air Force Base and Cape Canaveral may delay landing.

Endeavour pilot

STS-130 Pilot Terry Virts looks through an overhead window on the aft flight deck of space shuttle Endeavour. Photo Credit: NASA

NASA – Weather permitting, Endeavour is scheduled to land at Kennedy Space Center’s shuttle landing facility at 10:20 p.m. EST. The STS-130 entry team led by Flight Director Norm Knight will be on console in Mission Control at 3:30 p.m. to prepare for deorbit and landing.

The latest Kennedy forecast calls for a chance of showers within 30 nautical miles of the shuttle landing facility and a cloud ceiling at 6,000 feet, both violations of landing rules.

The forecast for Edwards Air Force Base in California also contains violations for showers within 30 nautical miles of the runway and cloud ceilings at 3,000 and 6,000 feet.

The National Weather Service Spaceflight Meteorology Group at Johnson Space Center will provide Knight and his team with continuous updated forecasts and real-time observations to aid in a “go-no go” decision for the deorbit burn.

The crew of space shuttle Endeavour completed checkouts of its re-entry and landing systems Saturday and prepared for a scheduled Sunday evening landing.

With weather forecasts dynamic for both the Florida and California landing sites, flight controllers decided to forego a planned orbital adjustment burn to broaden landing opportunity options over the next few days.

Landing support teams will be ready at both Kennedy Space Center, Fla., and Edwards Air Force Base, Calif. The first opportunity involves a deorbit burn at 9:14 p.m. EST and a landing at 10:20 p.m. The second calls for a deorbit burn at 10:50 p.m. and landing at 11:55 p.m.

The first California opportunity would begin with a deorbit burn at 12:20 a.m. and result in landing at 1:25 a.m. Monday. The final opportunity begins with a deorbit burn at 1:56 a.m. and ends with a 3 a.m. Monday landing in California.

Forecasters predict a chance of showers within 30 miles of Kennedy’s Shuttle Landing Facility and a possible low cloud ceiling. The forecast for Edwards also includes possible showers and low clouds.

Saturday evening, the six Endeavour astronauts talked about their mission during interviews with CNN, CNN Español, and Univision. Two of the interviews were conducted in Spanish, focusing on Commander George Zamka who is of Columbian ancestry.

Endeavour’s astronauts also completed the standard day-before-entry checkout of the shuttle’s flight control systems and reaction control jets. Imagery specialists will finish their analysis of late inspection scans of the shuttle’s nose cap and wing leading edges early Sunday.

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