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Royal Caribbean lines to resume vacations in Haiti

A Royal Caribbean passenger took this photo of the cruise line's facilities in Labadee, Haiti, during a stop in 2006

Waiter run and get me a drink – who cares if you’re family’s dead or hurt?

A Royal Caribbean passenger took this photo of the cruise line's facilities in Labadee, Haiti, during a stop in 2006

A Royal Caribbean passenger took this photo of the cruise line's facilities in Labadee, Haiti, during a stop in 2006

Corporate greed and insensitivity rose to new heights as Royal Caribbean announced it was returning tourists to Haiti at the beginning of February. They have a guarded resort 100 miles from devastation, death and injury so why not. The Internet is ablaze denouncing it but the greedy money boys know there is no time like the present to make money and capitalize on some free publicity.

A St. Mary’s University, Halifax ethicist professor says it’s all good (we don’t agree but that’s free speech) “The proximity sets off our gut reactions, but it doesn’t seem to make any real moral difference, he said. Mullis pointed out that the Dominican Republic — Haiti’s touristy neighbor on the island of Hispaniola — is also close to the disaster but is doing business as usual.”Anyone who doesn’t feel a bit of awkwardness at the thought of beach volleyball in the north of Haiti right now doesn’t have normal moral intuitions,” MacDonald said.”

For details on their self-serving logic, check out CNN.

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