LiveLeak community mourns one of their top video contributors.
“Barnesy”AKA Raymond Barnes “Digger” was 45 and suffered from what he called a “terrible illness – LiveLeakitis”
“Thank you to all you LIVE LEAKERS for your support over my dad aka barnesy,” wrote his daughter on LiveLeak. “It means a great lot to see he had so many good friends. R.I.P DAD, I MISS YOU LOADS && I LOVE YOU.. 21ST JUNE 1965 – 17 JANUARY 2010.”
He died of a heart attack in the early hours of January 17, 2010.
Family Tribute
(updated video January 18, 2014)
Barnesy was from Stoke-on-Trent in the UK. He worked in transportation until he retired to leak videos on the internet. There are some earlier commercials he acted in Australia.
In just over three years on LiveLeak he posted videos and gained more than 1,300 subscribers. Barnesy was relentless in tracking down the latest leaked videos and had an irreverent view of life.
He was a prolific poster often uploading 10 or more videos in a day. During the past year, he leaked more than 2,000 videos on disasters, sports, war, animal stories – the titillating, the gory and the intriguing.
On January 16th, Barnesy posted 7 videos three of them on the Haiti earthquake.
They won’t mention him on CNN or the BBC but Barnesy had more impact as a first source for far-flung news video than almost any one person I can know. The tributes are pouring onto the pages of LiveLeak from his many fans.
Your dad brought great joy to the liveleak community.
He was great.
RIP good man
KCTO from liveleak
Gonna miss ye, Raymond ‘barnesy’ Barnes.
With so many posts – giving me joy and pain- i’m amazed you didn’t do a YS on your death. Anyway, peeps like you don’t die, they just fade away.See you one day, have a Guinness on me in the mean time: cheers m8.
stay safe up there big man thanks for the time you spent posting for us all.
Stephen Pate
death comes suddenly…too sad
May God pour out His blessings upon Barnesy’s family and all those he has left behind. Grace and peace to you.
– The Village Idiot
Caitlin Barnes
Awwwwww Thanks so much for this website
means alot to me, miss my dad so much. its hard for me lose my dad at age of 14, but i had 14 best years with him.. he was my best friend. Love you daddy, so much. 21/6/65-17/1/10. <3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
R.I.P and thanks for all your great uploads. Sympathy to all your family.
James Morson
Thanks for making this..