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Leno KOs Letterman in 15 seconds

Letterman hits on Leno for 5 minutes last night, tonight Leno hits back

The Late Show Wars continued with a news twist last night. Letterman went on for 5 minutes ripping into Jay Leno.

Jay knocked Letterman back on his heels tonight in 15 seconds.

Commenting on how even Letterman was paying attention to the NBC debacle, Leno asked,

“Hey Kev, know how to get Letterman to stop paying attention to you?”

leno-1264079981“No, Jay I don’t know.”

“Marry him,” replied Leno (rim shot)

“After that, he won’t even look you in the eye.” Ouch!

“Oh no,” said Kevin Eubanks shaking his head.

Here’s Letterman the night before. This should keep the ratings up, at least for the clips.


  1. John

    “Leno KOs Letterman in 15 seconds”? Bullshit. It was a weak-ass joke. Worse, Leno doesn’t get it … Letterman doesn’t care! Letterman does not give a damn what Leno thinks or says, so low is Letterman’s regard for Leno. Not only that, but Letterman makes better jokes about himself then Leno every will. Leno, on the other hand, does care what Letterman thinks of him. THAT’s what makes Letterman’s comments so fucking funny, and Leno’s attempted retort so lame. Knockout? Get a clue.

  2. Comment by post author

    Stephen Pate

    Sure that’s why he labored for 5 minutes in the self-indulgent wilderness trying to take shots. A chacun son gout.

  3. Help For Insomnia

    lol, Letterman is so wild! I love him.

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