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Why didn’t I take the job at Molson’s

Famous brewer and hockey team owner does last call on free suds

molsoncanadian-bottleandglass-1When Maclean’s magazine reported that Moslon’s brewery was cutting back the allotment of free beer to retirees in St. John’s, I was saddened.

They will no longer get six dozens bottles of beer a month. That is being cut to one dozen a month. “Five years from now, retirees across Canada will get no beer at all.” (Maclean’s)

Even worse, current employees get their free beer slashed to 52 dozen per year. Yes that’s correct. If you work for Molson’s they will only give you a weekly case of 12s.

Why didn’t I take that job in Montreal down on Notre Dame Est?They called but I took a job at Consolidated Bathurst who made newsprint. No one offered us a free newspaper.

Life is full of regret and that will rank up there with missing my chance at Spring Training tryouts with the Yankees.

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