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Who gives a rats ass that Woods is top athlete of the decade

Mr I'm Checking Outta Here

Newspapers and AP demonstrate yet again they are dinosaurs

Mr I'm Checking Outta Here

Mr I'm Checking Outta Here

Woods voted top athlete of the decade reads the big headline. Where are those people at AP coming from – Star Trek 1969?

So the guy was the biggest thing in the past. He just self-destructed on the Internet and in the media in two weeks.

Yesterday’s fish wrap is what newspapers delivery.

Who cares what they think? They are so out of touch.

The best music of 2009, the last decade, the last century. It’s like a contest between the dead and walking dead to report what never was.

Dylan was dissing reporters when he said “You know something is happening but you don’t know what it is, do you Mr. Jones.”

How about living in the here and now.

I’d better check Saturday’s Guardian too see what old music I’m supposed to like.

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