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Politics is the art of the possible with President Obama

President Barack Obama

President Obama is the epitome of a man who gets things done

President Barack Obama

President Barack Obama

Within the past week, President Obama has moved the world closer to a climate change deal and maneuvered health care reform through the US political system.

Although the climate change deal is just a framework, it seems that without his skill and charisma the deal would not have been done in Copenhagen.

“If government run health care is so bad, why are all the US Senators on it?” quipped Jay Leno last night. He said if they don’t want it he would take it.

Of all the US Presidents who wanted and tried to get health care reform, President Obama is the one who looks like he will carry it off.

All around him are powerful foes who want to stop progress and reform. They have strong arguments and strong friends in powerful places.

But President Obama just smiles firmly and soldiers onward, his goals clearly in mind.

When we think back to his Nobel Peace Prize we can see what others see in President Barack Obama. He is a artist of the possible, a man of action who gives people hope for a better tomorrow.

The quotation “politics is the art of the possible” is attributed to Otto Von Bismarck Aug. 11, 1867 a German Prussian politician (1815 – 1898) He was “prime minister of Prussia 1862-1873, 1873-1890; unified German states into empire; chancellor of Germany 1871-1890; 1st chancellor of German Empire” The Quotations Page

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