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Susan Boyle new CD # 1 with fans

Media attack dogs use the “r” word to berate her

Susan Boyle’s new CD I Dreamed a Dream sold 400,000 copies in one week, making it one of fastest selling albums of 2009. On Amazon Boyle is # 1 in sales, knocking John Mayer’s Battle Studies to # 16. She is touring the US to promote her release.

The media continue to harass her over her disability. The Daily Mail is reporting she withdrew from the crowds upset at the crush of people. M&C

In New Zealand, TV poisonality Paul Henry show terrible bad taste in using the “r” word to describe Boyle.

“Boyle is also dealing with the fallout of New Zealand TV host Paul Henry’s televised remarks about her alleged intellectual disability, calling Boyle “retarded” on the air.
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It is clear that all the ignorant people in the Media aren’t on Prince Edward Island. Boyle’s disability demands she be given time and space to deal with not only the emotional and physical toll of her fame. Freedom of speech allows people to spew whatever hate they like apparently.

The US Congress is considering Rosa’s Law which will remove the words “retarded”, “retardation” and other derogatory words from the law books and replace them with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Rosa’s Law to End Term ‘Mentally Retarded’

There is no place in our society for words that slur and hurt people with disabilities, except apparently with some media.

Here is Susan Boyle live on the Today Show, singing live. She has such a wonderful voice.

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