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London’s “Night Stalker” was Jehovah’s Witness

Remanded: Delroy Grant leaves Greenwich Magistrates Court in South London photo: MailOnline

Remanded: Delroy Grant leaves Greenwich Magistrates Court in South London photo: MailOnline

Remanded: Delroy Grant leaves Greenwich Magistrates Court in South London photo: MailOnline

Alleged rapist and criminal Delroy Grant looked after his disabled wife

Since 1992 London police have been looking for the masked man who raped, assaulted, and robbed more than 100 elderly women and men.

Wearing a balaclava, he would attack single people living alone and left only his DNA. He would torture and threaten his victims over four or five hours shining a light in their faces and beating them,

On Monday morning Delroy Grant, 52, appeared in Magistrates Court to answer 22 charges of rape and indecent assault. He said little other than his name.

Grant was arrested Sunday morning based on good old police work and forensic science. He was in his car late at night in Shirley, Croyden not far from where he lived in Brockley.

While he left no fingerprints, he did leave DNA samples that identified him as someone from the Windward Islands in the Caribbean.

“At the same time, a prominent forensic psychologist, Dr Julian Boon, was brought in to develop a profile of the attacker: he concluded that the Night Stalker was a “gerontophile”, somebody who, in the inverse of a paedophile, had a powerful sexual attraction to elderly women.

Boon warned the Minstead investigators that although the Night Stalker was capable of remorse – he spared some of the women he targeted from rape and halted one attack when the victim asked what his mother would think of his conduct – his sexual urges would eventually lead to a death.”

The remorse during criminal behavior fits the pattern of someone with lapsed religious beliefs like Grant. He converted to the Jehovah’s Witnesses when he started attending a local Kingdom Hall with his wife.

His wife Jennifer had been a Witness for 20 years. They had two sons and twin daughters together. Grant had three children from a previous marriage his ex-wife described as abusive. Some reports have Grant with 11 children in all.

Mrs. Grant was stricken by MS four or five years ago and began to use a wheelchair. Around this time her husband began to wheel her to the JW meetings and he eventually converted.

Neighbours said he was a friendly man who devoted his time to caring for his wife Jennifer, a Jehovah’s Witness, who developed multiple sclerosis at the age of 42.

Mr Grant could often be seen pushing his wife in a wheelchair. According to neighbours, the couple had lived in their house since the estate was built 19 years ago.

One neighbour, a 58-year-old man who did not want to be named, said: “He was a genuinely nice person. Everyone knows everyone around here. He was a quiet bloke, but if he knew you he would stop and have a chat. If we had a barbecue on the front he would come out for a drink. And he would pop into the British Legion every now and then to have a drink or play dominoes. He used to ask me to take him fishing. He looked after his wife but he did a bit of painting and decorating on the side.”
The Independent

The Night Stalker became more active in September. One night he attacked five victims. Scotland Yard stepped up their surveillance and arrested Grant on Sunday.

Police suspect, he may have been the perpetrator in more than 200 unsolved assaults in and around London over the past 20 years.

With stories from The Independent, MailOnline and

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