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Lady Gaga not dead we got the video

Check out the new video Beyoncé feat Lady Gaga Video Phone


Lady GaGa death rumours are dead wrong

Stars need death for the press but not Lady Gaga. Next to Serena Williams, she is one of the hottest Google search these days.

The death thing is classless. According to everyone – not true but it put her on top of the news at 4 am.

“Lady Gaga fake death rumors could be setting a new record tonight – the third major celebrity fake death story in 24 hours. If you been staying with LALATE since Sunday afternoon, it started at 3 pm PM Sunday with Miley Cyrus, then by evening with Taylor Swift, tonight now Gaga. lalate”

Cut to the chase and check out Lady Gaga in the new Beyoncé video.

Lady GaGa’s video Bad Romance got 11 million views on YouTube in one week. Beat that anyone. It’s not at 158 million.

Note – YouTube and Sony keep taking this videos down. If you check the story and they are missing, let me know.

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