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Humour, Media, NJN, PEI, Prince Edward Island

Green Party hits low of silly complaints


Be kind to your web-footed friends for a duck maybe somebodies mother

When I got the press release from local Green Party leader Sharon Labchuk about a restaurant serving foie gras, I hit the delete key.

There are many things about which thinking people can concern themselves but a local restaurant serving duck livers isn’t one of the big ones.

CBC carried the story like it was imporant. They even gave it space on their website Chef criticized for foie gras on menu

Is someone at the CBC paying attention or is this the new “News” at CBC – swine flu fear mongering and irrelevant social commentary.

Again CBC readers to the rescue – 43 comments heap everything from laughter to scorn on Labchuk.

“Sharon Lapchuck (sic) – PEI’s very own foie-fighter.” – my favourite wit with music line.

“She expects to be taken seriously and even wants to be included in debates in the House when this is the best she could come up with to bring to the media spotlight? I completely support the federal Green Party and thier ambititions (sic) to get thier leader elected to the House, but provincially the Green Party is getting laughed at. Perhaps a new and serious leader is in order.”

While I respect Labchuk’s dedication to environmental causes, this one is so dumb it is beyond me.

What about the poor and starving Sharon? How about some comment on the 9,000 seniors with disabilities and their lack of supports?

You can fill in the blanks on your own personal issues. Almost all of them would be higher in voter priorities than duck livers.

So dumb ass press release of the week goes to Sharon Labchuk and our web-footed friends. Dumb-ass reporting of the week goes to CBC, again sadly.

Note – Be Kind to Your Web Footed Friends is an anonymous children’s song that originally was used as a political satire sung to the tune of Sousa’s Stars and Stripes Forever. It became popular more lately both on Sing Along With Mitch (Miller) and Sesame Street.


  1. Scott

    This is disgusting and silly and someone really needs to contact ms May and ask her if she supports the Leader of the Green Party in PEI on this issue.

    Any level of respect i ever had for the Green party and what they stood for I have to say is gone today.

    Labchuck with this silly antics has tarnished the Green Party’s reputation. This is nothing but a silly game for Labchuck to get some media attention much like her stunt years ago when she layed naked in a potato field.

    At that time and even now no one really knew what she was protesting as so much we all just disgusted by her antics.

    This time however she is picking on a small business man who is trying to make living operating a restaurant. he has done nothing wrong or broke any laws. But the Green Party’s Leaders feels he should do what she wants or else. The CBC by even covering this story is doing everyone a huge disservice by telling people no matter how crazy or off your medication you are we will cover what you have to say.

    I would actually hope the owner of the restaurant would seek some legal advice if his business is in any way affected by this advise media attention all caused by this silly silly Labchuck person.

    I hope the National green Party if they ever want to be respected in PEI gets themselves a new Party Leader in PEI and very soon.

  2. AlecC

    Do you know the difference between “foie” and “foie gras” in culinary terminology? Ordinary livers are “foie”, and are no more offensive than any other form of meat. “Foie gras”, however, refers specifically to the livers of force-fed geese. Corn is forced down their throats with a stick or plunger every day for months. This overfeeding causes their livers to swell up to extraordinary size and become extra fatty, making them particularly fine, allegedly. However, many people claim that this is a very cruel form of animal rearing, much more so than ordinary meat-farming. If you were aware of this, you should have said something; if you were not, may I suggest you research a bit.

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