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Serena Williams another sensation at Kingdom Hall

Serena Williams

Controversial tennis star looking for attention from Jehovah’s Witnesses with ESPN cover

Serena Williams

Serena Williams

“you can take Serena out of Compton but u cant take the Compton out of Serena.

She showed her ass ON the court, now she’s showing her ass OFF the court. LITERALLY!

Is this sum kinda peace offering 4 da fans 4 threat’n the line judge?

Wuts next, Playboy? Video HOE’n? Tiger hit the BILLION DOLLA mark & ain’t even take a dayum shirt off. U got talent, money, fame/fortune…WTF?

Common aint givin yo ass NO ATTENTION?! Shout-out to Kindom Hall. Come & get your Jehovah’s Witness cause she’s ova here backsliding…BUTTNAKED!”

ESPN will hit the newsstands tomorrow with a bold cover of Serena Williams in her black, almost nude glory. 

If the public cussing she gave the tennis linesman last month wasn’t enough, the cover should pretty well get Williams a meeting with her local Elders. Not a good month for the JWs

The foul language and temper are one thing. Nudity is a big no-no for Jehovah’s Witnesses who are pretty priggish about sex, their bodies and most of life’s more real elements.

I can’t remember the scripture but I’m sure the good elders, after they savor their own personal copies of ESPN, will want to hold star chamber sessions with Williams.

JWs follow a fundamentalist stance that sex is for marriage and the only legal sex is the missionary position, if anyone knows what that is.

Williams has favored showing a little butt and lots of leg on the tennis court. This is a new statement for her and a challenge for the JW elders..

I’m sure the good elders have their first thoughts on keeping the congregation clean. However, they do love to discuss the sex lives of the flock.

Witness priggishness and censorship pretty well means no movies, no TV, no books etc. that might contain sinful thoughts although the reality is somewhat less strict.

In Halifax, the Wall family used to dominate the top Witness jobs. Levi Wall was the district elder, like the Bishop of all Atlantic Canada without the robes.

The guy used to terrorize me for hair cuts when I was a teenager as in walk up and tell me to “Get a hair cut” or mention me from the pulpit. The rule was – no hair can touch the top of your ears. JWs have capricious rules like that for everything.

Back in the 1975 when Shampoo was in the theaters, I slipped out one Sunday evening to catch the early show. Pretty tame stuff, almost boring with Warren Beatty parading around as a philandering hair stylist. It was like the Letterman show backstage only Beatty is handsome.

Leaving the secretive dark world of the movie theater, I passed the line-up for the next show. There was the grandson of old “fire and brimstone” Levi Wall waiting nervously in line. Through the divine right of lay preachers, the 20-something was already an elder in Dartmouth and a terror in his own right.

“You’ll love the scene where he gets Julie Christie and Goldie Hawn in the same day,” I said as I walked by him. “Enjoy.”

I sailed out the door of the theatre thinking – ‘he must be doing research for the next meeting of the elders with a young couple who let their fingers do the walking.”

Yeah, the elders will be waiting for Serena if she shows. Maybe they’ll ask for proof her head wasn’t Photoshopped in the ESPN cover.


  1. Mike lombardo

    Too bad all of the info in this post is totally inaccurate. Serena, not a JW. That would be obvious to you if you knew what you were talking about.
    Only the missionary position is “legal”. Come on. Get your facts straight.
    The expression legal is not one a witness would use in that context.
    A married witness couple can have sex in whatever position they like and elders don’t go around talking about it. It’s none of their business. Private matter.
    You’re obviously a disgruntled ex-witness and haven’t been involved with them for some time and your memory is shot.

  2. Comment by post author

    Stephen Pate

    Thanks for your comment. Serena and his sister Venus both claim to be JW and are listed in 52 pages of Google references as JW. Here’s one

    Don’t tell the elders if you like sex outside the norm. Here is the dope from the elder’s handbook.

    “The Society publishes a confidential Kingdom Ministry School Textbook which is titled “Pay Attention to Yourselves and to all the flock.” The name comes from Acts 20:28. It is used by congregation elders and traveling overseers.

    Pages 92 to 94 deal with “wrongdoing”, which they regard as increasing “in frequency and depravity…” in society. In the area of sexual misconduct, they differentiate among three escalating levels of seriousness

    * Uncleanness (e.g. momentary touching of another person’s sexual parts outside of marriage). This does not require a judicial hearing.
    * Loose conduct (e.g. heavy petting outside of marriage). This requires judicial action
    * “Pornei’a” which:

    “… involves immoral use of the genitals of at least one human (whether in a natural or a perverted way), and there must have been another party to the immorality: a human of either sex or a beast…It includes oral and anal sex or mutual masturbation between persons not married to each other, homosexuality, lesbianism, [sic] fornication, adultery, incest, and bestiality.”

    Any person who engages in such activity must be handled through judicial action. Neither actual penetration or orgasm need be involved…

    In Page 111, the handbook covers the evidence required to convict an accused person. Either two eyewitnesses or a confession of wrongdoing are adequate. However, evidence that “the accused stayed all night…with a known homosexual…under improper circumstances, is acceptable proof.” Religious Tolerance

    A married Witness same-sex couple are subject to excommunication (disfellowshipping) just for spending a night together. The whole JW sex thing is weird, a bunch of dirty old men running around with their noses in other people’s bedrooms.

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