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Olympics is the new Catholic Church

The Olympics has joined Religion, Sex and Politics as the do not discuss topics

BasilicaSince the old Catholic Church has largely become a relic of the past in the Western World, it looks like we are building a new church called the Olympics.

Here are a few similarities.

People who were relatively poor, went into debt to build churches and shrines in the 1800’s and early 1900’s. The biggest buildings in the old towns and cities were the churches usually surrounded by slums.

In this era we are building massive, multi-billion dollar edifices to the Olympics that become white elephants afterward. In the meantime, the world starves.

Bishops and cardinals lived opulent splendor. Olympic officials and the politicians who support them are known for greed, kickbacks and a sense of entitlement.


China suspended human rights during the Olympics to put on its "best face"

The Montreal Olympic debt is still being paid off while corruption built palaces for officials. One of the cement contractors paid off City of Montreal officials in the hundreds of thousands of dollars by having one cement truck drive into the Olympic parking garage over and over, claiming each time it delivered cement to the project.

The Catholic Church demanded that any criticism of the church either on doctrine or church corruption be swiftly stamped out.  People were burned at the stake for suggesting alternate views of God might be true.

Bill 13 in BC will suspend the right to free speech and protest against the games. If the law passes the BC Legislature, you could be fined $11,000 and jailed for 6 months for merely putting a protest sign in your window.

It’s hard to tell if Bill 13 is more like the Spanish Inquisition or the usual 5 years hard labor given out in China for dissent.

Church officials have been rank with child molesters and carrying on illicit sex affairs for centuries. The worst part is the policy of cover-up and move the pervert.

If the faithful hear about another Bishop Lahey and the Catholic Church cover-up there may be no-one left in the pews.

We are learning more about the abuse of children by hockey coaches and other sports leaders on a regular basis.

Too much power in the hands of a few exalted people is never a good idea.

You would think after 2,000 years of false gods, we would resist the idea of creating another one in the Olympics.

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