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Movin on with computers but not netbooks

NEC ultalite, 1988 the first netbook with SSD, only 1" thick, 10" screen and 3 lbs

Been there, done it and movin on

In reply to the comment on Michael Dell says netbooks suck and Windows 7 rocks

I travel through the time space continuum on a moment by moment basis – “I’m Movin On.” As someone with a disability small and light has always been the goal.

NEC ultalite, 1988 the first netbook with SSD, only 1" thick, 10" screen and 3 lbs

NEC ultalite, 1988 the first netbook with SSD, only 1" thick, 10" screen and 3 lbs

Suggestion – turn up your headphones and listen to the Rolling Stones rock through Hank Snow’s I’m Movin On while you read. It’s awesome 40 years later. That’s Jagger on the mouth harp.

I have been purchasing the smallest computers from the days of the Sinclair and the 1988 NEC Ultralite.

Glad you like netbooks. Here are a few choice takes on Dell’s slam of netbooks

Michael Dell savages netbooks

Michael Dell Hates Netbooks, But Loves Windows 7: What About You?

Michael Dell dings Netbooks

If the form factor worked for me I would own one – portability with power and a decent screen is a goal. I’d like one on my kitchen table to read the morning news without a newspaper taking up all kinds of room.

Neat version of Hank Snow eh?

Thanks again

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