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Canada looking more like German 1936 Olympics

Dog squad

First the suspension of free speech, now police state tactics and front of the line swine flu shots


Dog squad

Yesterday the doctor for Team Canada said his athletes should get the swine flu vaccine first.

What if the athletes get sick and can’t represent Canada in the contest to see who can split 100ths of a second in sporting events? Our countries future hangs on that one. We need to protect those perfect examples of Canadian youth before anyone else.

Another report says the security at the Olympic will be the largest military action in Canadian history.

The 2010 Winter Olympic Games will be held in Vancouver, British Columbia, from February 12-28. It will be the largest security operation in Canadian history.

Military planners will undoubtedly use it as a template for securing future high profile events.

Canadian security officials continue to work closely with their American counterparts in preparation for the test that the Games will pose to the security of its shared border.

Integration of Canada’s security and military structures with the U.S. have already been advanced through the North American Aerospace Defence Command (NORAD), NORTHCOM, the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP), the Bi-National Planning Group, the Civil Assistance Plan, as well as other initiatives.

Training and security provisions for the Olympics might be used to further accelerate the merging of U.S-Canada command structures and the militarization of North America. The 2010 Olympics will be a hellhole of police state measures with far-reaching effects that could remain in place long after the Games are finished. Puppetgov

Of course, the have the ill-conceived suspension of Charter freedom of expression with the BC governments Municipalities Enabling and Validating Act. Vancouver Olympics more important than Charter

The Olympics are, of course, important to hold. How else would Canadians get to hear two of the most famous lies of all time “This won’t hurt a bit.” and “The Olympics will make a profit.”

Canadians are so used to running deficits at all levels of government, what is another multi-billion dollar money pit? Mis-spending by grandstanding politicians is the greatest cause of high taxes not health care.

1 Comment

  1. richard

    Homelessness is the condition and social category of people who lack housing, because they cannot afford, or are otherwise unable to maintain, regular, safe, and adequate shelter. The term “homelessness” may also include people whose primary nighttime residence is in a homeless shelter, in an institution that provides a temporary residence for individuals intended to be institutionalized, or in a public or private place not designed for use as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings……….

    A very small number of people choose to be homeless

    This website is dedicated to telling the stories of the unfortunate individuals living in the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver in the hope that awareness of this problem will spur people to get involved, to let all levels of government know that something has to be done to alleviate this misery rooted in addiction, homelessness and depravity. To point the way to recovery from addiction, which we believe is the root of most of this situation. With the 2010 Olympics coming to Vancouver it is our mandate to record the transition and the extreme changes that are even now occurring and will continue to unfold in the Downtown Eastside.

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