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Associated Press reviews Windows 7 ideas copyrighted

Windows 7 800Can’t say if they like it or not since they have copyrighted the ideas expressed

That’s it. No one will be able review Windows 7 unless they have a new idea or thought after today.

Associated Press have published their review of the software. Review: Windows 7 strong, but don’t pay to upgrade

Associated Press are very concerned about bloggers and unauthorized people stealing their copyrighted material. They have announced their intention to track down these thieves of the written word. We are not sure what they will do with 100 million bloggers but it will be serious.

Associated Press have also announced their intention to stop people from writing articles with ideas that might be derived from their stories. That never happens on this site. We are the home of totally original, wacky and wonky thoughts put to paper.

not copyrighted by creative commons

not copyrighted by creative commons click for larger image

As for Windows 7, I saw it first and I claim copyright – after Microsoft of course – on all articles that mention if it is good, bad or ugly. Ooops, someone else has the copyright on “good, bad or ugly”. OK “good bad or technically indifferent or irrelevant.” I just Googled that phrase and no one is using it.

Being a more “Creative Commons” sharing and caring person, I declare the phrase “good bad or technically indifferent or irrelevant” to be my original work licensed to the whole world as shareable, attribution, non-commercial. If AP tries to claim it, like they did my NASA video, we’re getting a lawyer.

See Associated Press and Fox News make false copyright claims

PS – I certify that I have not read any AP stories after today except the headlines and then stop when I see AP. I don’t want them doing a discovery of my brain in court.

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