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United Breaks Guitar 2 fizzles

United Breaks Guitars 2 video looking for something to say

United Breaks Guitars 2 video looking for something to say

United Breaks Guitars 2 video looking for something to say

Your first shot is often your best Dave – video doesn’t reach viral

Who doesn’t remember United Broke My Guitar?

When we posted Lose your luggage? Sons of Maxwell have the song on July 8, 2009 the song was on YouTube for a day and 35,000 people saw it.

By that weekend – Paul McCartney in Halifax Yeah Yeah Yeah! – the YouTube views climbed over 3 million as the song went viral.

The refund United Airlines gave Sons of Maxwell was reported in papers and on the Internet around the world.

Three weeks later when we printed Skip the label Mabel, Sons of Maxwell make it big on creativity over 4.5 million people had watched the catchy and funny video.

Sons of Maxwell in their wildest dreams could never hope for the publicity from the video. They promised two more but should have stopped.

The second video from Sons of Maxwell is sort of a dud.

The audience has spoken. Only 384,000 people watched it in the 4 plus weeks it has been on YouTube. I saw it the first week and thought it lacked the humor and punch of the first one. For Sons of Maxwell 384,000 people is a miracle: as a follow up to 5 million they are a one-hit wonder.

The tune is weak. The story wanders from “what’s going on?” to pedantic.

Besides, what’s the point. United gave Dave Carroll money. Taylor Guitars gave him several guitars worth more than the one he lost. It just isn’t funny. The thing is pointless.

5.2 million people agree the first one is the best.

Get over it Dave and move on.

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