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Toyota ships 2 millionth hybrid car

Toyota Prius 2010 - 2 million hybrids and counting

Toyota Prius 2010 - 2 million hybrids and counting

Toyota Prius 2010 - 2 million hybrids and counting

CBC broadcasts documentary GM killed the electric car

Stephen Pate, NJN Network, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada, September 6, 2009 with story from AutoBlogGreen

As of August 31, 2009, Prius announced they had shipped more than 2 million hybrid cars in 12 years. Ironically CBC broadcast a documentary last night Who Killed the Electric Car?

Toyota has plugged away with great success in saving the planet with its hybrid cars. This year they are introducing a smaller version of the Prius which makes 13models with hybrid technology across the Toyota product line.

By expanding availability and continuing to develop the gas-electric technology, Toyota has driven down its costs and claims its hybrids are profitable. There are 13 hybrids in the automaker’s lineup now and the company has repeatedly stated that it intends to offer hybrid versions of almost every vehicle in its lineup by the end of the next decade. The press release and sales tables are after the jump. AutoBlogGreen

We love our 2009 Prius. It gets a lot of attention from people wondering how it works. The answer is terrific. It saves money on gas and makes us feel smarter all at once. Just got back from a trip to Toronto and the ride was more than comfortable, although it was sensitive to moderate cross winds on the 401. It wasn’t more than you would expect in a compact.

We made it back on two tanks of gas or about $80. There was about 2 litres left when we filled up at Borden. As I said in 114 miles per gallon, adventures in a Toyota Prius, the mileage is better between 35 and 45. If you want to cruise at 120 k/hr, the mileage drops to about 5 litres per 100 km or 56 mpg. A consistent 55 mpg gets 70 mpg.

It was ironic to watch Chris Payne’s documentary on GM crushing all its EV1 electric cars so no one could drive them. Payne documents how GM influenced legislators and regulators in California and Washington to kill innovation that could be selling today like Toyota’s hybrid.

GM also killed the electric trolley bus in a successful effort to sell diesel buses. They lobbied, bribed and peddled influence all over North America. Halifax had a very successful, inexpensive and non-polluting city transit service like many cities in North America. They converted to more modern diesel buses under the influence of GM.

A few cities ignored GM’s pressure and stayed electric like Toronto.

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