Lenient parole system and Jehovah’s Witnesses helped Garrido get back on the streets after 10 years of 50 year sentence
Story from San Francisco Chronicle, updated with James A. Beckford reference
Philip Garrido and his wife Nancy are under arrest for the abduction of Jaycee Lee Dugard, then 11 years old, on June 11, 1991. Garrido was a convicted sex offender for past three decades who had been in an out of jail. Nancy was a devout Jehovah’s Witness who converted Garrido to the religious sect prior to 1978.
1991 was 18 years ago and the couple held the child and sexually abused her. Philip Garrido fathered two children by the abducted Dugard.
The Garrido’s kept Dugard and her children locked up in a backyard compound in Antioch California, east of San Francisco. They used the girl, along with being their sex slave, to handle telemarketing for printing business related to religious brochures the Garrido’s were promoting.
In 1993 Philip Garrido was returned to prison on a parole violation. In 1999 he was released from another parole violation. During that time it was his wife Nancy Garrdo who held the Dugard child captive.
Mrs Garrido’s role has stunned America, leading to speculation about her motives, her relationship with her husband and her own mental state. Little has been made public about her early life but it is believed that she was a Jehovah’s Witness when she met Garrido during a visit to her uncle in a prison in Leavenworth, Kansas. TimesOnline.uk

Garrido house from the air showing ramshackle compound where Dugard and her two children were held photo: AP
Conversion to Jehovah’s Witness
Nancy met Garrido in 1977 when he was in prison on a rape conviction. The 1970s rape and violent abduction had sent Garrido to Leavenworth on what should have been a virtual life sentence of 50 years.

Philip Garrido as photographed by El Dorado County, Calif. Sheriff’s office, and taken Thursday, Aug. 27, 2009 after his arrest for the abduction and 18 year sexual abuse of an 11 year old girl
Nancy, slightly younger than Garrido and a devout Jehovah’s Witness, was visiting her uncle in prison according to the Times Online.
The fact that they married behind bars in 1988, and he was released shortly afterwards, proves how valuable she was. She gave him what seemed like a family life, and, by implication, proved that he would not offend again. Daily Mail
Philip Garrido was using his newfound JW faith as early as 1978 to obtain his release.
When Garrido subsequently appealed his sentence, however, his lawyer said he was getting help in prison and had become a Jehovah’s Witness. In a handwritten letter to a judge in March 1978, Garrido said he was ready for a chance to “get my life in line.” “I am so ashamed of my past. But my future is now in controle (sic),” he wrote. SF Gate
For the 11 years after Nancy and Garrido met while he was in jail, she corresponded with him. She converted him to the Jehovah’s Witness faith which would have required the approval of the local JW congregation. It is highly unlikely the Witnesses will confirm his conversion although Garrido claims to be converted.
It was the marriage and conversion that Garrido used to convince the parole board that he would not re-offend.

Nancy Garrido is facing more charges than her husband for the abduction and systematic abused suffered by Jaycee Lee Dugard photo: Mail Online
Jehovah’s Witnesses take pride in converting the down-and-out, drug addicts, people down on their luck.
In his study The Trumpet of Prophecy: A Sociological Study of Jehovah’s Witnesses sociologist James A. Beckford *(1) theorized that people with low social attachment are more likely to accept the other-world view of a religious cult like the Witnesses.
Beckford, who writes on religion and teaches at the University of Warwick, Coventry, UK, found in his 1975 book that the most likely converts to the Jehovah’s Witness cult are females in their mid-20’s who are dislocated from society due to a move away from their home location or through multiple child births in close succession.
Similar studies of the members of the Jim Jones cult who committed suicide in the 1970’s showed adherents were poor, dispossessed and looking for a new world order that Jones promised to deliver.
Garrido apparently strayed from Jehovah’s Witnesses to form his own religious cult. In 2007, he began blogging under various titles. One blog”The Truth Will Set You Free” is eerily familiar to the insider dialogue of Jehovah’s Witnesses. To those inside the JW sect, the code word for Jehovah’s Witness is “The Truth”. Members use that bible quotation to define themselves as being “in the Truth”, “strong in the Truth” and defectors conversely as “weak in the Truth.”
It was the religious fanaticism that caught Philip and Nancy Garrido. They were spotted handing out religious pamphlets at UCLA Berkeley by police. Under questioning, the police became suspicious of the parolee and sex-offender accompanied by children.
Note 1
“The Trumpet of Prophecy: A Sociological Study of Jehovah’s Witnesses” can be found in most university libraries. For a copy near you, see the WorldCat site. AbeBooks, Amazon.ca and Amazon.co.uk also lists several sellers with used copies.
“James A Beckford, Fellow of the British Academy, teaches an undergraduate module on Collective Behavior and Social Movements and the doctoral programme core module Research Process and Research Design.
“His research has focused on the theoretical and empirical aspects of religious organisations, new religious movements, church-state problems, civic religion, religion in prisons and religious controversies in several different countries. He was President of the Association for the Sociology of Religion (1988-89), Vice-President of the International Sociological Association (1994-98) and President of the International Society for the Sociology of Religion for 1999-2003.
“His teaching and research have taken place at the Universities of Reading, Durham, California at Berkeley, Loyola at Chicago, the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, and the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris. His current research deals with the relationship between social theory and religion, the treatment of religious minorities in prison, and ’emergent’ faith communities in England.” University of Warwick Coventry
La Ria Rumball
Amazing article. When I read the above, it all makes sense. My father was a JW for 40 years before he passed away from cancer and had extreme mental illness and bizarre behavior. Although he did not go to the extremes that the Gariddos did, he too was an emotional mess and controlled by the JWs. Thanks, La Ria
Harry Har
Having been an elder with them for over 30 years I can only say it’s all vicious lies. The majorirty of this earths population will soon be destroyed by Jehovah and we will be picking up your bodies. The End is very, very close and soon all of you liars, fornicators, etc will be gone….forever! Hope I don’t throw my back out picking up your bodies and your children and grandchildren.
Stephen Pate
Wow! Mr. Sunshine there.
Harry Har,
Funny, your cult has predicted the end was near many times before, do you guys ever get tired of being wrong?
Harry Har is not one of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Jesus said the end was coming “soon” too. That was some two thousand years ago!! Are christians supposed to believe he was wrong? It is coming and for guys like Garrido, it will not be pretty.
Also, I know witnesses, Harry Har is not one of them.
Harry Har is not a Witness…
“Having been an elder with them for over 30 years…”
His language even from his very first sentence is “off”
My wife’s family are all JW’s they take in blindly to there homes who ever they find. Most that do this are them self’s down and out with very low self esteems. A family friend who my wife’s mother used to leave my wife to baby sit her was a child molester he even had a baby with his own daughter. My wife’s mother still to this day doesn’t believe any of it as long as he was a JW he was a good person. We don’t know if my wife was ever molested she was younger then 2 but her older sister thinks so. My wife has had a lot of problems over the years. She was raised a JW so she knows both sides. It is nothing more then another extreme religion. I could see how this monster could dupe them and use the JW’s as a way to get what he wanted. JW’s are a nice place for child molesters to hide especially if the molester becomes an elder. JW’s bereave 2 JW’s have to witness the molestation before they will act and turn them over to police. This allows them to continue to abuse. Even though many religious have there problems with molesters JW is worse then most because of the almost cult like way they operate. The family will cut most people off that are not JW’s. We hardly speak to her family and even her brother who got back into it a few years ago quit speaking to us. It splits the family, and with this kind of devotion few will question a elder.
With Jehovah’s Witnesses, it’s all about appearances and keeping the image of holiness. They will deny and excuse away any evidence that their organization breeds fanatics and unscriptural behavior. Pity is the only emotion I can feel for them.
Joe Emerson
I cannot confirm it yet but was told 3 of 4 kidnappers (all except Mohammed Guhad) in Roanoke, Virginia, were in JWs:
Besides the Garrdios having been JWs, the Night Stalker of London who raped and beat up to 200 old women during a 17 yr spree is said to be a JW. He cut electrical and phone lines, woke victims with a torch in their faces.
It’s an Armageddon cult and thos attracts a lot of mentally unbalanced people. Pedophiles, rapists of the old, serial killers, wiretappers, other perverts. They also mis predict and hint at false dates for doomsday, etc.
There are good JWs in the Watchtower Society but they are good in spite of being it! As we near 2014 (100 yrs after their big prophecy re 1914), more zaniness will come out. Are the mental health authorities aware of what’s going on??? If they are, perhaps Waco or Jonestown style suicides etc can be averted.
FUNNY, how these things happen more often in those who call them selfs catholics, and yet no one publicizes their religious believes when they are cough committing crimes like Garrido. But if its a witness its all over the news. I am not a JW but I think these people try to help other and yes they as well make mistakes! What other religions are willing to help others besides just wanting their money?.. Next time a witness knocks on my door I will take the time to ask questions and listen..
I’m not sure why someone in obscure PEI, Canada would want to repost this SF story but it is very slanted. I feel very sorry for the young girl involved. What a terrible way to start your life! The kidnappers have much to answer for. However, what happened to her would never, ever, in any way, be condoned or encouraged by Jehovah’s Witnesses. This man obviously had serious problems long before he ever learned of them. Despite whatever interest he had or feigned in Jehovah, “the truth” ( NOT a”code word”, but Jesus words)did not set him free from his deep-seated troubles. Some people just cannot be fixed by men. But do not blame a few failures on people who could easily point to far more successes. In any case I am so happy that she is once again home with her family; I can’t imagine the ordeal they have all been through.
JW’s have had over 100 years of hiding their scandals behind the Watchtower magazine. The reality is they are as riddled with scandal as any religion that seeks to put happy face on perversion.
whitewashed tombs
Funny to see all the JWs here disowning ’30 year elder’ Harry Har for his comments. Of course you do this in a public forum where non-JW eyes can see, but behind closed doors you believe the same thing he does: “The majorirty [sic] of this earths population will soon be destroyed by Jehovah and we will be picking up your bodies.” At least Harry Har is not a hypocrite like the rest of you.
Sadly you jws are puppets of your masters and by disavowing Harry Har you demonstrate the number one problem with the JW religion: All your leaders care about is how they appear on the outside. These horrible things that go on inside your religion are hidden and suppressed under clergy privilege. Meanwhile, rapists and child molesters are knocking on our doors. It’s only when the public discovers the truth – as we did with Garrido and his wife – that you disown and disavow, just as you demonstrated with Harry Har.
Jim Wynn
FUNNY, how these things happen more often in those who call them selfs catholics, and yet no one publicizes their religious believes when they are cough committing crimes like Garrido. But if its a witness its all over the news. I am not a JW but I think these people try to help other and yes they as well make mistakes! What other religions are willing to help others besides just wanting their money?.. Next time a witness knocks on my door I will take the time to ask questions and listen..
5 Dec 09 at 10:23 pm
BIG difference- ALL JWs are considered ministers and go knocking on the doors of people in the neighborhood. Not the case with Catholics. If a Catholic priest, or a minister of another group commits such acts it definitely is mentioned as part of the story.
Harry Har
To: Boo & Busted
I HAVE been elder, on an off for 30 years in different congregations. If you two are brothers you’d better buck up and grow some kiwi’s. Are you afraid that Jehovah won’t back you up? If you are that scared of worldly people you’ll probably wet your pants at Armageddon. You both sound like fence straddlers to me. Wish you were in my cong. You’d either get some courage or a JC would send you down the road. When Armageddon hits we don’t know what Jehovah will ask us to do…but if he does ask you’d better do it. I know I will!!
Danny Haszard
Lifelong Jehovah’s Witnesses dissident speaks out on JW belief system .
A) They are at your door to recruit you for their watchtower society corporation,they will say that “we are just here to share a message from the Bible” this is deception right off.
B) Their ‘message’ creed is a false Gospel that Jesus had his second coming in 1914.The problem with this is it’s not just a cute fairy tale,Jesus warned of the false prophets who would claim “..look he is here in the wilderness,or see here he is at the temple.”
C) Their anti-blood transfusion ban against *whole blood* has killed thousands.
D) once they recruit you they will “love bomb” you in cult fashion to also recruit your family & friends or cut them off.
Danny Haszard Jehovah’s Witness X 33 years
Danny Haszard
Many court documents and news events prove that Jehovah’s Witnesses require two witnesses when a child comes forward with allegations of molestation within the congregation. Such allegations have customarily been treated as sins instead of crimes and are only reported to authorities when it is required to do so by law, (which varies by state). It has also been shown that child molesters within the organization usually have not been identified to the congregation members or the public at large.
These people engage in a door to door ministry, possibly exposing children to pedophiles. Although the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society claims that known pedophiles are accompanied by a non-pedophile in such work, there is no law stating that such a practice must be followed.
The Watchtower corporation has paid out millions in hush money already.
The Watchtower defenders will say do anything to protect mother Watchtower.This is an abusive cult to children and adults.
Harry Har- IS A LIAR! No elder speaks in that tone or with that type of language. As for Danny Haszard, he is a fake and a liar. >>>The Watchtower corporation has paid out millions in hush money already.<<<
Where is your proof you lying criminal!! I wish the witnesses would be the type to take your libelous rotting apostate ss to court. But that is how those who never understood it operate when they cannot live up to the high moral requirements of being a witness. I was a Witness 20+ years ago and I still miss being one. I am trying to get back now. 20+ years later and I still do not have one single bad thing to say about the organization. They do not condone any form of wrong doing. The bile teaches forgiveness and that if a person commits a sin, that person should be counseled and helped to reform. And all steps are taken. Disfellowshiping is the final last resort when such a person continues with the bad ways. I find it despicable that ex-Witnesses can be so vitriolic. You never had a good understanding of what the Truth was about, otherwise you would not say the evil and vicious things you say. But just like a person who gets fired from a job for poor performance and breaking the rules is angry, so are you people. I would encourage, ALL of you who have never been to a Kingdom Hall or a Convention, just please take the time to attend one of the meetings and at least one convention and see for yourselves first hand who they are and how they teach. Then come back and report if you still have the same thoughts or worst and give explanation and examples to support your belief.
Stephen Pate
Yes, we’d all like to go and meet you at the Kingdom Hall. That’d be swell.
I think your article is disingenuous. Where is your proof that this woman or even that creep was one of Jehovah’s Witnesses? I read the SFGate article and this quote, proves my point: “When Garrido subsequently appealed his sentence, however, his lawyer said he was getting help in prison and had become a Jehovah’s Witness. In a handwritten letter to a judge in March 1978, Garrido said he was ready for a chance to “get my life in line.”
“I am so ashamed of my past. But my future is now in controle (sic),” he wrote.
How Garrido got out
Garrido lost the appeal and spent his prison time in federal lockups in Leavenworth, Kan., and in Lompoc (Santa Barbara County). ”
See he LOST the appeal! He was released based on the local prison rules which allow him to be released on his own “good behavior”. I can tell you, this woman may have been, I say may have been, but she sure was not a Witness, neither was that evil creep. I don’t even understand why they would put that out there without any proof. Like I suggested, just for your own personal first hand knowledge, pick yourself up one day and go. If you were one, still pick yourself up and go one Sunday and see if you still come away with the same beliefs and thoughts. I guarantee you will not. If you do, then when you write articles like that, you would be better informed. i don’t know man, maybe I am talking to a reasonable person! I hope I am.
I have read Danny Hazards Blogs and he is spot-on. I was in the organization for 20+ years. The Watchtower is nothing but a NY publishing company posing as a “religion” or “way of life” as they call it.
Harry Har said “When Armageddon hits we don’t know what Jehovah will ask us to do…but if he does ask you’d better do it. I know I will!”
And Harry, how will you know if Jehovah asks you to do something? Will you trust a statement from the Society (i.e. Governing Body) as the mouthpiece of God as coming from God himself? So if one of the Governing Body tells you to go and slay some “worldly” person, would you it?
give me a break
Where are you getting your info? They were both devout catholics.
wAit WHat!
Wait Did they just call Jw”s a cult…. hu. thats strange so believing in god and Jesus makes you apart of a cult… so That would Make 60% of the religions out here cults… seriously come on this is all bullcrap. im not a Jw but i have talked to them i have gone to one or two of there meetings. every religion has people out there trying to make them look bad. And what is this bull crap about “C) Their anti-blood transfusion ban against *whole blood* has killed thousands.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JAWhRqCjT9w Blow that out your ass
Stephen Pate
For the ABC interview with Jaycee Dugard see http://abcnews.go.com/US/jaycee_dugard/jaycee-dugard-interview-diane-sawyer-future-surviving-philip/story?id=14040269
A simple test for any religion. If and only if everything they teach and do is the truth can they be considered Christs Church. G?d says that even if a prophet speaks only the truth but leads the people a stray by deed then he is of Satan.
I’ve have yet to come across a single religion whose teachings are 100% true, never mind their actions, including my former religion.
Since every single one of is a sinner whether by commission or omission we’ll all have a debt to pay back for our time here.
Good Luck to all.
@ realex-jw
How is Danny a liar about the out of court settlements? If you’d like a listing of these, feel free to see the links at the bottom of the following page. The legal documents are quite interesting to read.
I was a Witness for over 25 years. I am grateful for having been raised in a religious organization and by parents that guided me to be a good person. I suspect that anyone raised in a religious household that sincerely listens to the teachings of the bible and desires to please god will have the benefit of a solid and moral spirit to guide the rest of their life. I am no longer a follower of that religion but I am happy that I have that background, just as happy as if I had been raised Catholic or Baptist or any other religious group trying to honestly make a difference in the lives of all people.Yes there probably are members at the Kingdom Hall that cover up or ignore or just don’t pay attention to such evil degenerates but you can find those people in any religion just like you can find honest people trying to serve god the best way they know how. I have since given up organized religion because I have come to believe that every religion is full of hypocricy and sinners using the religion as a shield to hide their sins, some small sins and some as evil as the Garridos. The argument should not be about which religion to which these miscrients claimed to subscribe because that is as irrelevant as where they were born or if they like the color purple. The wiring in their brains is faulty and as unfortunate as that is, God, if you so believe, will judge and punish them, hopefully in a way they deserve that equals the suffering of poor Jaycee and her two daughters.
I was a Witness for over 25 years. I am grateful for having been raised in a religious organization and by parents that guided me to be a good person. I suspect that anyone raised in a religious household that sincerely listens to the teachings of the bible and desires to please god will have the benefit of a solid and moral spirit to guide the rest of their life. I am no longer a follower of that religion but I am happy that I have that background, just as happy as if I had been raised Catholic or Baptist or any other religious group trying to honestly make a difference in the lives of all people.Yes there probably are members at the Kingdom Hall that cover up or ignore or just don’t pay attention to such evil degenerates but you can find those people in any religion just like you can find honest people trying to serve god the best way they know how. I have since given up organized religion because I have come to believe that every religion is full of hypocricy and sinners using the religion as a shield to hide their sins, some small sins and some as evil as the Garridos. The argument should not be about which religion to which these miscrients claimed to subscribe because that is as irrelevant as where they were born or if they like the color purple. The wiring in their brains is faulty and as unfortunate as that is, God, if you so believe, will judge and punish them, hopefully in a way they deserve that equals the suffering of poor Jaycee and her two daughters.
REALEX-JW, I find it shocking that you call yourself a JW and your tone and comments are so hateful and non-Christian. Its funny how you call names and can’t even set an example like you are taught. “rotting apostate”?
@Janedoe Well, REALEX-JW never said he was still a Witness. He said he was a Witness. That was his point. Just like you just saw the word JW and said he is a witness, that’s what happens in all these cases. Anyone sees the word or says JW and assume these people are JW’s.
To become a JW you must change your ways and repent for all your sins and get babtized. Many think that because they study the bible or attend their meetings they are now JW’s. But a JW follows the Bibles guidelines and takes the steps necessary to become a devout JW.
Either way, no one is perfect and everyone has sinned. God will be the one to deal with everyone at the end. But one thing I can say is, It’s very rare to hear or see soemthing bad about the JW’s as you would about all the other religions who do hide their sins. LIke the pope themselves, catholic church, etcs.. Sad.. very sad.
But JW’s are like that black dot on a piece of white paper. People are just waiting to see what mistake they make to put them out there. But they don’t care… they say that just as Jesus was followed they too will be followed. I’ve met many JW’s and talked to many of them.. and they are NEVER like people put them out to be. At their meetings, kids are never left alone, they actually have their kids sitting with them next to them listening. Not like other religions where they send kids to seperate rooms (where they are in danger)…
Just saying.
Your an apostate. JW’s do not go door to door to recruit people. They go door to door to take the message that the Bible says to do Matthew 24:14.
Get your facts straight about 1914, even Non Witnesses know that. Your supposedly a 33 yr JW? Yeah I don’t think so… I even know that.
Their anti blood transfussion is not what killed them. It was their sickness they had and those people choose to not get blood. They are following the Bible and many non JW’s do not do blood transfussion either, because now a days there are more methods out there with bloodless procedures. JW’s have faith in their belief and put that faith in their god.
“Love Bomb”.. lol.. ok.. and you call them a cult.. lol.. Oh yeah, you are defintely mad at them for prob disfellowshipped you huh? YOu probably commited a sin and are upset you got caught and want to blame the JW’s for your sins. Tipical.. i’ve met some like you as well too.
I’ve talked to JW’s when they come to my door and i see how they really are. I’ve attended some of their meetings and they are nothing like people put them out to be. I had my doubts, and instead of talking BS about them, I decided to go see myself and investigate how they really are. Thats what peopple should do… actually go and investigate, not make up lies and just talk.
Just SAying.
Jim Wynn, I agree with you. I too have noticed how when it’s a JW its all over the news. But I know they do it, because its a religion that you see actually trying to do well, and even though they make their mistakes they admit it.
NOt like other religions who years pass and then you find out the pope, priest, etc has molested children, got woman pregnant, and even killed babies and burried in their back yards.
I think people need to investigate themselves and not just believe everything they read.
Just saying.
Maybe Harry Har was disowned because he committed sins he was not repented for and is saying false statements. Harry Har if he really was a JW, he wouldn’t be talking negative about them… those who talke negatively are apostate. Trying to make them look bad.
That’s funny. Because the JW’s I”ve talked to when they knock on my door, they have been honest with me. When I asked them about some JW’s who commit crime and sins, they say that unfortunately they were trapped and fell in Satans trap and because they commited the crime, they are disfellowshipped and if a crime, they are turned over to the police.
So they don’t hide the wrong they are doing, and those who do hide the wrong then they fall under the category that some JW’s have fallen under Satans trap and are not True JW’s.
Harry, I”m assuming you no longer are a JW. If you were, you wouldn’t be talking the way you were. You sound angry and vengeful…. sounds more like and apostate.
You are not a Witness.
Stephen Pate
That’s your 6th comment in a row without any response. Could you be whistling into the wind?
LOL @ JustSaying. NO ONE CARES BRO. Go home.
Well damn, I’m a witness and I’m saying that these a lot of these comments are just misconceptions of witnesses that frankly its tiring to address.
When one knocks on your door or passes you by or you meet one. Just talk to them. :/ But even then I suppose hm…
At any rate being on topic, I was slightly shocked they said she was a Jehovah’s witness. But we’re all humans, we’re all imperfect and we all fall into snares and manipulative traps. What happened is unfortunate, and that should be the focus :/
I feel sorry for them all the victim and these sick people…
what a dumb fictional article this is. Nancy was not a “devout” JW, she never even got baptized. She didn’t go preaching, and she didn’t go to the Kingdom Hall. She was supposedly raised by someone who was a JW but she was not a JW herself. The media made this error and broadcast it. If you’re gonna write something, at least be accurate. And Phillip was never a JW.
Stephen Pate
That’s not what the media reports say. Sounds like a cover story from Watchtower HQ.
This whole article is unsubstantiated garbage. A blogger can say anything he wants. The same for a newspaper. If they are proven wrong all they have to do is say their source was wrong. and apologize. They do it all the time. I am one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. None of that stuff is tolerated. Gross wrong doing gets the offender disfellowshipped and reported to the police.
As far as the Garrido’s being devout is concerned, it’s not possible. A devoted lover of anything cannot love the opposite at the same time. If you love and are devoted to your mate you will not do anything to harm them. It is the same with God. If you truly love God you will do nothing to bring reproach to His name. And since Jehovah’s Witnesses use His name on a daily basis we as true lovers of Jehovah will not do what is bad purposely.
It is strange that when one of us does do something that the rest of the world does as a matter of course but is considered wrong by them we are persecuted for it. We are held to a higher standard. That’s fine with us because we hold ourselves to a higher standard. We don’t need evil doers to tell us what proper behavior is.
I was raised a Jehovah’s Witness. People need to know that if child molestation is reported in their organization they will do nothing unless there are 3 witnesses to the act. This means the organization provides a safe refuge for people who sexually abuse children. Before I heard Garrido had ties to Jehovah’s Witnesses he already reminded me of similarities to Jehovah’s Witnesses and my parents. It’s the kind of thing your gut tells you that you can’t put your finger on. Most JW parents are extraordinarily controlling. Many don’t allow their children to get jobs “in the world” and they aren’t allowed to associate with anyone outside of the organization. Going to college (unless it’s a trade school or city college) is not allowed. My parents basically had me under house arrest in my teens and I know others who went through the same thing.
Stephen Pate
It never ends. My 93 year old mother, God bless her, is still trying to control her family all in the name of Jehovah.
I am both saddened and disgusted by what I read. I can’t believe that that man has any relations with any religion, especially the Jehovah’s Witnesses. I haven’t read all of the comments but from what I have read, I am ashamed of what some so called Jehovah’s witnesses have said. Harry Har, if you are a JW, how could you say something so mean in vicious about the anyone else. It is no one’s place to judge what will happen to anyone else. Liars, fornicators, what ever. We all have dirt and we still wallow in sin. Jehovah and Jesus are the only ones capable of judging anyone. And there are many more witnesses in the world than just “people down on their luck”. My mother has been a witness for over 20 years and never has she ever been down on her luck, in fact, we have been very wealthy for over 30 years now. There are even some rich people who are JWs. And as for the covering up of child molestation, I don’t know what happens anywhere else, but when I was twelve and was molested by my drunken father, the first person I went to was an elder in the congregation who I considered closer to me than a grandfather. Although he cared about my entire family, when I told him what happened, he contacted local authorities immediately and has been there loyally by mine and my mother’s side through my father’s trial for child molestation and my mother’s divorce of my father. Although I am not a baptized witness, I have been born and raised as one. My father was and still is not a witness. Looking at his example of what a witness does not do compared to my mother’s example of how a true servant of Jehovah should act, I find it hard to believe the man who kidnapped and hurt a little girl is or ever was a witness of Jehovah.
“She converted him to the Jehovah’s Witness faith which would have required the approval of the local JW congregation”
Approval wouldn’t be needed to come to meetings, act as a Witness or even be married (since it didn’t take place in the cong) unless he wanted to be baptized in the religion.
As a born and raised [and thankfully escaped] former member of this sect, I can’t say as I’m surprised that a known sex offender would be drawn to the religion. They tend to close themselves off and shun anyone who doesn’t agree with them. All those shut doors and high walls means that, if he did attend the congregation, there would have been great access to other young children as well. Wonder how many abuses the elders there had to deal with? I was a faithful member of this group in the past but when this religion turned its back on me for many things including being raped at age 15 by a 20+ year old guy, I don’t hesitate to speak my mind about it. The “truth” is that its a highly damaging cult that needs to be shut down.
Once again it is amazing the guises used to create fear and disdain for one faith vs that of others much more dangerous, in this country. JW’s are more dangerous than even Zionists if one is to believe the horrors detailed in this and related articles. Every major religion, large or small, in the U.S. is a pawn to false teachings and filling souls with false hopes based on New World Order lies and propaganda, but fools focus mainly on JW’s. The argument used as some kind of legitimate proof being from misguided dreamers that left the organization – labeled a sect by other lost individuals – mostly to be free to do whatever it is they feel they want to without answering to a higher authority, as is the norm in America. In this country, porn being a mutli-billion dollar business, children & teens on the streets selling themselves to survive, prostitution just as prevalent as in third world countries, child porn all over the internet, men wanting to be women, women the opposite than born, marriage not anymore between only man and woman, but fools still focus on JW’s. Utterly ludicrous.
And you know it won’t be shut down. They may stop preaching, sooner or later. I bet you fear that day no matter what you tell other people. And if it was as bad as you would have everyone believe, maybe it already would be shut down. Its survival this long speaks of it being much more Godly than you want others to believe. Okay, you weren’t happy there, you left, fine, that’s your right, that’s your decided adult choice. Just be gone and leave their name out of your negative mouth; let other people judge for themselves. I truly doubt you speak as loudly against other organizations, religious or otherwise, that are truly factually much worse than the lies spread about Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Sadly Kira, he was stated to be a Witness and that’s all it took to blame the entire organization for his behavior. I will never believe a person as bad as this individual or his wife was reported to be, would have good standing in the organization, much less so after its revealed what they did and were involved with. The whole Baptist organization isn’t labeled negatively by the actions of its individual congregation members, in fact most often the religious affiliation of arrested convicted individuals is not even mentioned. It is when its an individual associated with Jehovah’s Witnesses, however. Seems deliberate IMO, but you have to wonder why.
Kim your not telling the truth. I was never told, disallowed, as a Witness, what I could or could not do for me or my children. Those “in the world” jobs, college, etc., were then and now discouraged because of all the bad associations related to them. Its as if real life and being safer inside an organization are two different things to people of your mindset. Its a fact colleges are known places of drug use, free sex, bi-sexual & gay feening of all gender kinds, alcohol abuse, etc., not to mention the fact most colleges accept hard earned money, but many students end up educated, but in debt with little or no jobs prospects, these days. Guess what that often leads to? More abuse of what you learned to abuse in college. Also, if a job is such that it will put one in line with associating with loose, uninhibited people, why wouldn’t a caring parent discourage you from taking a job there? Hiding children from outside world harm is not a new thing.
Others are welcome to judge for themselves. Hopefully they are wise enough to see on their own that the sect has two sides and only shows the meek and docile side to the public. The reality is that it is quite poisonous and not Godly, as you have put it. It appeals to those who don’t want to take responsibility for their existence or actions but would rather be controlled and instructed in every facet of their lives. Actually that’s not totally fair of me, there are some good people in the religion but I can’t help but lump people together when good people standby silent when they know wrongdoing is being committed.
My comment posed a legitimate question about this beast having access to children and how the “elders” who lack the qualifications to deal with serious issues & criminal matters (and who, by the instruction of the governing body, do NOT seek outside help) but you attack me personally. Ok so let’s have this out.
My mouth isn’t negative, your perception is. “You weren’t happy and left” I like how this is your classification of a 15 yr old girl being raped by an older man & being punished by the elders for it when she should have been protected. Thank you for setting an example to the world (or whoever reads this post) about the true face of the religion, its a child rape victim who is the problem. Oh well, to coin my fav quote “You have no power here. Be gone before someone drops a house on you”
Your attack rolls off my shoulder and matters very little. I speak out loudly, and always will, about wrong I know to be taking place. I wasn’t raised Catholic, or Mormon, or Pentecostal or in any other faith so I can’t speak for their inner workings or abuses. But I was raised Jehovah’s Witness, was present in several congregations, was devoted, active, watched as my family was abused & ripped apart until one day my eye’s were opened & I started asking questions that no one wanted to answer. The heads
of the Witnesses have made decisions which have cost lives & runined families, they are not above reproach.
You are welcome to your ignorance if you like but bite me if you think you have the right to attack someone for speaking out. Go on back to being frightened and vicious, that’s not the life I live.
Hi Kim, backing you up here because this was the same thing said in my congregation, 3 witnesses to the act. So hence my rape at 15 was considered willing and my father, for some unknown reason, was punished by the elders for my “indiscretion”. Thank you for speaking up. I relate a lot to what you said about the control.
Tyme Cortalis
You go, girl! I admire you. Good answer!
Tyme Cortalis
The difference is that JW’s claim to be guided by Jehovah’s spirit.
Tyme Cortalis
You are totally blinded from the “truth” by your own version of the truth.
Tyme Cortalis
“We are held to a higher standard”. That is true because as you say, “we hold ourselves to a higher standard.” You shouldn’t be surprised that others expect you and all of yours to maintain that higher standard.
Tyme Cortalis
I was a Jehovah’s Witness who disassociated himself, and I know of two cases where sexual abuse by two different Ministerial Servant’s went unpunished. And I saw the effect it had on the victims. It wasn’t good.
Tyme Cortalis
Sadly, they are “guilty by association” – to turn a phrase. But if JW’s weren’t so rabid about gaining new “publishers” to increase their numbers, then this sort of people would not even have been counted as one of theirs. It is how he got an early release from prison. I knew Witnesses who preached in the local prison. Any one of them, as well as the local congregation would have been ecstatic to have a convert under those circumstances. In fact, I remember articles written in the Watchtower about people who had done worse being baptized, even Mafia members in Sicily who had killed multiple times and whose past “would never be brought to mind”, according to the scriptures.
Tyme Cortalis
The Watchtower is nothing but a NY publishing company posing as a “religion”. Thanks for bringing that out, JC. A lot of JW’s would balk at the idea that they worship a corporation, a.k.a. Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. If you’ve ever attended one of their assemblies (or conventions, as the larger gatherings are called), you might be surprised how much the format resembles the conventions held by other sales organizations.
If you believe that, that’s your free human right. But all over the country economists are discussing exactly what I typed. Secondary education is a joke in America, its a debt creator that promises nothing. In college one is more likely to get caught up in some kind of union that creates bad associations moreso than promises of solid employment. The proof is in the truths of society, not of my own self-created illusions. The outcry of millions of depressed unemployed people proves you completely wrong.
Tyme Cortalis wrote, in response to Third:
You are totally blinded from the “truth” by your own version of the truth. User’s website
Link to comment
They are! No one in any organization professing faith in God, whose name is Jehovah, is free from those that will falter or fall. That said, you name one other group of spiritual minded people that are guided by Jehovah’s spirit? You cannot. Look deep into the core of each and every group that shows itself to be “spiritual”(I didn’t say religious) and you will find a seeking of cash flow, and/or a chasing or following of someone’s political aspirations.
Amanda Vidal
Very moving and a great eye opener. Thank you for standing up for yourself!
One thing that stands out to me about jws being reported in the news for bad things is the fact that jws as a whole make up a small percentage of the population, yet there are a LOT of stories about these kinds of things in the news committed by people associated with the jws. When you look at the small percentage of the population that make up jws and the number of bad crimes committed by them, it stands out to me.
I was raised in the religion and was molested by an elder. My Aunt was too. I told. I was 9. My experiences were not good. I’ve not seen love. I’ve seen judgment and elders kids getting favoritism. I know of kids that were molested and it was covered up. Abortions, sex, alcoholics. I’ve seen it. Nobody can tell me how to feel or hide what I know. I refuse to follow a religion that doesn’t help the poor or feed the homeless. I’ve seen my poor mother struggle. They don’t care about my elderly grandma who put in years of service. Nobody even asks about them. How is that Love and Christ like? My cousin got killed none of them came to my aunts aid. She’s disassociated herself. Nobody cares. I Think it’s a controlled money making organization that found a way to divide families. You are an “apostate” if you say how you feel. You are ex communicated if you don’t conform. I love my family. Nobody will tell me what I am. I don’t hate God because I don’t believe what you do. I’m a black woman with a brain that can think for herself I don’t need nobody to be a portal to God for me. I can read. We are all sinners you are no better than me. I can pray just like you.
Niokie, this apostate agrees with you! Among the laundry list of experiences I can recount, I had the elders grill me and remove my fathers privileges after I forcibly lost my virginity yet an elders daughter who was pregnant from premarital sex escaped unharmed because she married the guy.
Laura Taylor
sad that people are so willing to believe a lie. sisters do not conduct bible studies with men. we do not marry someone who is not baptised with approval. she may at one time been a Jehovah witness but I promise if you looked at her record as a witness she was at minimum inactive at worst disfelliwshipped. try getting the truth. instead of listening to just anyone
Former JW
I was forced into this JW crap at a very early age and left for good at 18. Some JWs are genuine but more than half are just pulling off a superficial act. Women crash with one another, and some of the guys are wannabe alphas with cheap douchebag personalities. They repeat the same crap all the time. They have 2-day, 8 hour “assemblies” that I like to call ” God Fest 20xx”. Same material, same old crap as the crap they hear at their local meetings but for 8 hours. Oh, and the uncomfortable formal attire really sucks. In a nutshell, the JW or Watchtower organization suck and fu– their pedophile, hooker-loving CEOs. By the way, did you know that JWs were so convinced that the world was going to end in 1975, that many quit their jobs and stopped paying their bills? I bet I can get more than 3 JWs to confirm that! LOL. An 83 year old JW from my area confirmed it for me, as well (I still have access to the local JWs as I have active JW relatives, and sometimes bump into these JWs in town).
Woah! Abuse starts, ALWAYS, starts from the family. It is exclusively a taught reaction from the environment someone grew up and raised. It is never something picked-up as a healthy adult.
You don’t go to college and learn to be abusive. You are NOT taught to be abusive as an adult (unless you are a prisoner or in extreme situation).
Go to college and learn something.
If you think financial problems lead to abuse then the JWs should not be filled with domestic abuse, alcoholics and child molesters. Because next to polygamist in Utah …. Jehovah’s Witnesses are the poorest and least educated in the United States.
You are dumb.
Indi Vizual Iz
This whole article is misleading and a lie-not in its entirety regarding the sickness of the husband and wife. But, regarding him being one of Jehovah’s witnesses is absurd! IF he was never baptized, he is not one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Besides that, if he was not baptized behind bars before he left, it would have been impossible for him to have used his so called JW faith conversion to get a release. She, was not supposed to be marrying outside of her faith, if she was actually one of JWs herself. Studying the Bible does not guarantee one a member of the Christian group of Jehovah’s witnesses. Jehovah’s Witnesses are not a cult. They are a Christian group who preaches to all and not just the down and out. Are we all not tired of this system?! Churches go around and pray on people they do not know and tell them to accept Jesus as lord and savior and that is how easy it is to be called a disciple. It takes no following up on the part of the religious leader. Just a prayer and a cross on the forehead. Get your facts straight when you write an article. If JWs were petty, they could sue you for defamation of character. You wrote a fictitious article about a group of people that you do not know and that you have placed all in one box under assumed characteristics.