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Human Rights, New Brunswick, NJN

NB Government refuses to budge on the man who got $1.76 too much

Premier Shawn Graham of New Brunswick

Premier Shawn Graham of New Brunswick

Premier Shawn Graham of New Brunswick

Sounds like time for a letter writing campaign to Premier Graham to show some reasonableness for those in dire straits

CBC NB confirms the New Brunswick government will not bend for Mike Kennedy who lives with MS on CP Disability and who got cut off by New Brunswick when his pension cheque went $1.75 above the threshold.

See: Moncton man loses disability supplement over $1.76

Aiton, the director of communications for the Department of Social Development, said it’s not possible to be flexible in this situation.

“As with any program there’s a cutoff for a reason,” Aiton said.

“At a certain point, you have to say that people aren’t eligible for programs. And so, you know, if we start being flexible then that changes the cutoff point for the program.”

The provincial government has been giving out the annual disability supplement since 2000.

Aiton said she could not say how many others are in the same situation as Kennedy and no longer qualify for the supplement this year. CBC – Disability supplement must be flexible: advocate

That seems like hogwash to us. PEI has a sliding scale for social supports. You don’t get totally cut-off but lose so much per $1,000 of income.

How can some be cut off from a support living on $7,428 per year. The poverty line is something like $17,000.

It is amazing that politicians who make $150,000 per year and civil servants making in the range $50,000 can be so hard hearted to those truly in need.

If you are concerned about this poor man, send the Premier a nice letter and ask him to be more kind.

Premier Shawn Graham

Premier’s Council on the Status of Disabled Persons

Premier Shawn Graham

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