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Crime, NJN, Ontario

Bryant charged with two counts in horrendous accident with cyclist

Micheal Bryant in police car after arrest

Update – Criminal negligence causing death and dangerous operation of a motor vehicle causing death pending on high flying Ontario Liberal

Story from CTV News

Ontario’s former AG has been charged with criminal negligence causing death and released under conditions following last nights deathly accident on Bloor West in Toronto.

“Bryant, 43, has also been charged with dangerous operation of a motor vehicle causing death,” reported a Toronto police spokesperson.

Bryant left the Toronto police station without making a court appearance as is usual. He must appear in court on October 19, 2009 to answer the charges.

“I want to extend my deepest condolences to the family of Mr. (Darcy Allen) Sheppard,” Bryant having obviously changed from the t-shirt he was wearing when arrested. “To all those who offered support to my family in the last 12 hours, thank you.” 

Related story Former Ontario Liberal Cabinet Minister in custody following death of cyclist

The accident occured just before 10 pm last night on the popular and busy intersection of Bay and Bloor Streets, near Toronto’s trendy Yorkville district.

The cyclist, Darcy Allan Sheppard who  was a courier and the father of one child, was involved in an accident with Bryant’s car, a SAAB convertible.

When Bryant tried to leave, the cyclist held onto Bryant’s car which then travelled up the street. Bryant veered across the on-coming lane on Bloor.

Bryant’s car then mounted the curb on the opposite side of the street.

Pedestrians said it appeared as if Bryant was trying to remove the cyclists grip on his car by brushing him off against poles and eventually a mail box.

Struck by the mailbox, Sheppard fell and was run over by the rear wheels of Bryant’s convertible.

Sheppard hit his head and that is said to be the cause of death.

Several witnesses gave testimony and police have surveillance videos as well.

Big city traffic incidents can cause tempers to flare. Some are theorizing that Bryant panicked when Sheppard held onto his car. Motorists are required to remain at the scene of any accident although Bryant is not charged with that offense.

Traveling in an open convertible he may have felt at risk from Sheppard.

However, the police obviously are not buying Bryant’s story about what happened and have laid serious charges.

Toronto Mayor David Miller, Bryant’s direct report at Invest Toronto, said  “As this is an active police investigation, I will not be making any further comment on this tragedy today.”

Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty, Bryant’s former boss, appeared philosophical about the incident “It’s very tragic how events that unfold in a minute can have such a profound impact on people’s lives,” he said. “A negative impact.”

Friends of the victim Darcy Sheppard speak of him as a gentle man with a warm personality and a good father.

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