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PEI Council Tricked At Canada Games

Canada Games delivers 4 temporary disabled parking spots not the 12 PEI Council of Disabled bragged about

PEI Council of the Disabled didn’t get anything done – surprised?

We just took new video of the Canada Games site at UPEI.

The 8 new parking spaces for the disabled are not there. On Thursday Wendy Guindon, according to an email quoted in yesterday’s update, was told by Greg Clayton, VP of UPEI maintenance, that UPEI was installing a total of 12 disabled parking spots for the Canada Games.

Canada Games delivers 4 temporary disabled=

Council of the disabled try to grab spotlight

The site only has 4 disabled parking spots and they look temporary.

This does not look promising with the games starting tomorrow. There were no workman on site at 11 am.

Will UPEI keep it’s promise? Did Clayton actually make the promise or did PEI Council of the Disabled try to deceive the Province?

Another year with the Council and another $900,000 with no results.

1 Comment

  1. justin

    Does the Council of the Disabled receive Government funding?

    If they do receive Taxpayers funding than they are damm well accountable and if this Wendy person lied than she should be fired.

    If they receive taxpayers money for funding than they should also fall under the Freedom of Information Act. I would like to see just what this council is up to and how much money is spent by them for obviously NOT doing their job.

    If this Wendy person lied than she damm well has much to explain.

    Also if UPEI is not doing what theys aid they also owe the public an explanation because the big winner from the Canada Games and the taxpayer is UPEI. ll those ne facilities that basically the public will have NO ACCESS to.

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