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Greed and power drive Canada Games to risk health and safety

Canada games girl with flag 660

Health and safety of children takes a back seat to power and money games

Sex power and money are said to be the great motivators of humans.

from iPhone, Sunday 23 Aout 2009, Stephen Pate, NJN Network, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada, updated August 24th to correct picture

It is greed and power that drives Canada Games officials to hold the games at the start of the swine flu pandemic and despite a hurricane.

Friday and Saturday we got insane optimism.

We are prepared to continue the games no matter what claimed local Canada Games president Joe Spriet.

That CBC story reminds us of Caddyshack when the self righteous minister golfed during the rain then thunder and lightning.

There is a saying – knowing when to come in from the rain.

What is motivating Canada Games officials?

“The show must go on.”. That’s because the promoters have money riding on the show.

On Google we found lots of photo ops with games officials getting multi-million dollar donations from big corporations who want and need positive publicity.

If you are foreclosing on homeowners, charging 18 times the prime rate for credit card debt and polluting the Canadian environment you need Patrick Kenny, Sue Hylland and Canada Games.

Big corporations must create positive public relations spin to hide corporate sins.

Federal and Provincial governments are masters of the spin game.

Someone is doing risk analysis on holding the games at the start of the swine flu pandemic, in the middle of a hurricane and saying “we win more by forging ahead.”

The mainstream media support them and down play bad stories or refuse to cover them as in CBC reaction to the disabled parking story. It’s summer, a recession, declining readers and audience. They need your eyeballs.

Any one with a sense of public health risk would not have gathered 4,400 young people from all over Canada to the smallest province when health experts say we are weeks away from the pandemic taking root in the post summer flu season.

We have had 2 athletes with flu like symptoms which threatens to spread swine flu among the players, 6,000 volunteers, fans and the general population.

Considering the effort made by PR flack Kenny to squeelch a harmless story about disabled parking, can we trust Canada Games to tell us the truth about swine flu?

1 Comment

  1. justin

    It is evident the Canada games are going very badly in PEI.

    The spin offs and benefits we were told about for months by the Ghiz Government have not shown up. Hotels and Restaurants in Summerside last week were slower than they are usually for this time in August.
    Which was directly caused by the Ghiz Government. Lets not forget back in the spring when they went on about how they wanted private homes to house the millions of guests coming for the games.

    Well guess what no millions came and many who might come for vacation during this time also changed their plans and stayed away.
    All caused by some silly hype that was spun out their by Ghiz & Docherty.

    Than last week we find out ticket sales are even down for Week One. More wasted taxpayers money.

    Really can we blame anyone for staying away when we have two if not more cases on suspected swine flue in the athletes.

    Than there is the obvious lack of interest by islanders because our Athletes are not good enough to win any medals.
    Why would Islanders take in the games and cheer on for another province. Would be like going to your Child’s basketball game and cheering for the opposing team.

    Can someone possiblely explain why we spent over $33 Million of OUR MONEY having these games when we are getting no benefits and maybe in the end if there is swine flue outbreak will end up with negative results.

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