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Cellphone, NJN, video

iPhone 3G S video for recording in a club

Slowcoaster caught on iPhone 3G S

Slowcoaster caught on iPhone 3G S

Slowcoaster caught on iPhone 3G S

Slowcoaster caught on iPhone 3G S

Only for use in emergencies or when they won’t let you take a proper video camera

Stephen Pate, NJN Network, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada, July 5, 2009

While dancing to Slowcoaster, I tried the new Apple 3G S in a club recording session. Thumbs up on video quality but the sound was unacceptable.

The short video clip was taken with the Apple 3G S. The audio is distorted and the original was worse with drop outs.

The video camera on the iPhone 3G S works well in less extreme environments.

The audio needs a limiter/compressor to avoid the overloading that happens in the high volume club environment. My two year old Sony digital camera takes better club videos.

I had to compress the raw video 4:1 at -20 dBA

For coverage of the Slowcoaster show, see Slowcoaster at Hunter’s was a great night for dancing

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Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons License – NJN Network Inc.

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