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LeAnn Rimes is leaving adultery in the hands of God

LeAnn Rimes and another woman's husband doing it on TV, only worth 4.5 million viewers

Perhaps not her best career move but what can you do when you are on the down slide


LeAnn Rimes and another woman's husband doing it on TV, only worth 4.5 million viewers

Story from CelebEdge

It’s the end of July on the East Coast and we’ve just strung together our first three hot days in a row. We are already whining about not sleeping at night. The dog days of August must be coming.

LeAnn Rimes is whining that the wife of her new lover is calling her a bitch for stealing her man, on an off the screen. Stealing husbands is old news, only now they talk about it on Twitter like ReAnn’s soon to be ex Dean Sherement. I wish I was following him for the breathless heart breakers.

My favourite quote of this tawdry and all to common affair – haven’t we all lost a partner to a has-been, child star, country singer – is Rimes who curiously invokes God himself. 

“Sometimes, you might say that you can’t do anything and sometimes, you want revenge. Sometimes, you say, ‘You’re not worth it.’ But sometimes, you don’t, and that’s when you leave it in God’s hands and know that he will take care of it.” Celebedge

Sometimes you might be working on a bad country lyric there LeAnn.

I’d tread lightly around the “God’s hands” thing. Last time I looked in the Bible, he had this smite down the adulteresses thing going with rocks, fire and brimstone.


  1. Daniel LaRonde

    Ah, the old bible and God doing their work. Such equality in the bible, smoting all those adulteresses, as if females are the harbingers of some sort of doom. I guess that’s why I don’t believe much of the bible in the first place. I am sure the bible would be a lot different if females were a part of the translation, etc. With that said, so many people use the “God” excuse to justify their straying off the path, so to speak. The way I see it, Lee-Ann Rimes is just as human as the rest of us, and is just as prone to such common acts of humanity as the rest of humanity, so if she did steal away another wife’s husband, then there existed an inadequacy between said husband and wife that made that husband’s choice to leave an easy one.

  2. Daryl

    Well, let’s see . . . . the entire gossip trail and story of Ms. Rimes fails to center upon the fact that her actions constitute nothing more than evidence that she’s just white trash.

    If you want to be with someone else bad enough, you need to at least have the courage to face your husband and tell the truth, make the separation or divorce and then move on with your life. Her husband was one of her greatest supporters and moved her career to bigger and better things, including being there as a friend.

    If her appreciation for anything that he did is demonstrated by having an affair with an equally moronic individual, then she deserves what she gets and I can tell you that I for one, won’t be buying any more of her music or watch her on any movie media. I can observe white trash without having to pay for it.

    Just another low-life who thinks that now she has fame, she can disrespect the people who helped put her there. She just needs to strap a mattress to her back and let them all have it like a cat in heat. What’s the difference?

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